BackTable / Innovation / Contributor

Dr. Suzie Bash
Dr. Suzie Bash is the Medical Director of Neuroradiology at San Fernando Valley Interventional Radiology at RADNET in California.
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About Dr. Suzie Bash
Dr. Bash is a Neuroradiologist and a Medical Director at RadNet. Prior to this she
was on the faculty at UCLA as an Assistant Professor of Neuroradiology, after
completing a 2 year Neuroradiology Fellowship and Residency also at UCLA.
Dr. Bash’s passion and interests lie in Artificial Intelligence applications in
advanced Neuroimaging which add patient-centric value and quality. She is a
recurring guest on TV, radio, and podcasts and is actively involved in AI clinical
trials, award-winning abstracts, peer-reviewed publications, and AI related
educational talks and webinars. Dr. Bash serves on Medical Advisory Boards and
in leadership roles at several AI companies. She is on the Programming
Committee for the American Society of Neuroradiology. Dr. Bash also serves on
the Editorial Board in the AI section for Applied Radiology and is a frequent
contributing author to this journal.
Her personal interests include family, music (licensed radio DJ), martial arts,
electric guitar, painting, traveling around the world, skateboarding, and dinner
parties with friends.
Learn more by visiting Dr. Suzie Bash's practice:
Podcasts Featuring Dr. Suzie Bash
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