Search BackTable MSK
BackTable / MSK / Podcast / Episode #13
In this episode, Dr. Jacob Fleming interviews Dr. Olivier Clerk-Lamalice about basivertebral nerve ablation for vertebrogenic back pain, including indications, procedure technique and exciting tech on the horizon in minimally invasive spine interventions.
Jun 18, 2023 • 3.8k plays
BackTable / MSK / Podcast / Episode #24
Interventional radiologist Michael Barraza talks with orthopedic spine surgeon Thomas Andreshak about his approach to vertebral augmentation for compression fractures, including unipedicular vs. bipedicular approach, technique pearls, and post-procedure care.
Jul 26, 2023 • 3.4k plays
BackTable / MSK / Podcast / Episode #9
In this episode, host Dr. Jacob Fleming interviews Dr. Edward Yoon, interventional MSK radiologist and Chief of IR at the Hospital for Special Surgery. The doctors discuss novel intradiscal therapies to treat anterior column pain, as well as where the field of spine interventions is heading.
Jun 18, 2023 • 3.3k plays