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The Podcast Network
for Practicing Physicians

Practical advice from your peers in the field.


Online Courses for Physicians

BackTable+ is the online courses platform for physicians who want to fit high-impact learning into their busy schedules and get CME on the go. BackTable Courses are now available for vascular and interventional specialists and ENT, covering a broad range of high-impact topics.

BackTable Tumor Board Favicon

The multidisciplinary podcast for healthcare professionals that play an active role in cancer care. Season one focuses on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with in-depth discussions delivered in a virtual tumor board format.

Trending Episodes

Principles to Practice: An HCC Tumor Board with Dr. Gabe Schnickel, Dr. Adam Burgoyne, Dr. Heather Patton and Dr. Sid Padia on the BackTable Tumor Board Podcast)
Getting Started in Interventional Oncology: Tips for Starting Your Career with Dr. Sid Padia, Dr. Kevin Burns, Dr. Tyler Sandow and Dr. Venkatesh Krishnasamy on the BackTable Tumor Board Podcast)
Surgery for HCC: What’s Its Role Today? with Dr. John Seal, Dr. Gabe Schnickel and Dr. Sid Padia on the BackTable Tumor Board Podcast)
Transplantation for HCC: Who, When & How? with Dr. Heather Patton, Dr. John Seal and Dr. Steven Young on the BackTable Tumor Board Podcast)
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BackTable VI is our flagship show, developed to help interventional radiologists, vascular surgeons, interventional cardiologists, and other interventional and endovascular specialists level up their day-to-day practice.

Trending Episodes

Complex HCC Patients & The "Grey Zone": What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do with Dr. Adam Burgoyne, Dr. Zach Berman, Dr. Kirema Garcia-Reyes and Dr. Lingling Du on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Dialysis Procedures: New Tools for Better Outcomes with Dr. Ari Kramer and Dr. Omar Davis on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Curative Intent Therapies for HCC: Today & Tomorrow with Dr. Kirema Garcia-Reyes, Dr. Kevin Burns, Dr. Sabeen Dhand and Dr. Zach Berman on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Deep Sedation in IR: Intro to Ketamine  with Dr. Amy Deipolyi on the BackTable VI Podcast)

Popular Courses


The BackTable MSK Podcast is a resource for practicing Musculoskeletal Specialists, covering tools, techniques, and expert guidance on medical and interventional care for musculoskeletal conditions.

Trending Episodes

Introduction to Treatment of Discogenic Back Pain with Dr. Olivier Clerk-Lamalice on the BackTable MSK Podcast)
BackTable Basics: Lumbar Disc Access & Discography with Dr. Olivier Clerk-Lamalice on the BackTable MSK Podcast)
Creativity in Medicine with Dr. Kieran Murphy on the BackTable MSK Podcast)
Robotics Revolution in Interventional Radiology with Dr. Sean Tutton and Dr. Raj Narayanan on the BackTable MSK Podcast)
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BackTable ENT is THE podcast for practicing Otolaryngologists. Tune in every other week for candid conversations about rhinology, laryngology, otology, head and neck surgery, and more.

Trending Episodes

Rethinking OSA: Role of the Nose with Dr. Keith Matheny and Dr. Ashwin Ananth on the BackTable ENT Podcast)
Innovations in Management of Age-Related Hearing Loss with Dr. Sreekant Cherukuri and Dr. Gina Geissler on the BackTable ENT Podcast)
ENT Education for APPs & Other Healthcare Partners with Dr. Jeffrey LaCour on the BackTable ENT Podcast)
Innovations in Bioresorbable ENT Packing Materials  with Dr. Satyan Sreenath on the BackTable ENT Podcast)

BackTable Urology is THE podcast for practicing Urologists. Listen in every other week to learn how leading physicians tackle major urological conditions with medical and surgical approaches.

Trending Episodes

HoLEP vs MIST: Patient Selection & Outcomes with Dr. Marawan El Tayeb on the BackTable Urology Podcast)
BackTable Resident Edition: Engaging in Peer Review During Residency with Dr. Katherine Dwyer on the BackTable Urology Podcast)
Dual Physician Households: Managing Parenthood & Careers with Dr. Katie Amin and Dr. Petar Bajic on the BackTable Urology Podcast)
Expanding Her Scope with SWIU: Dr. Catherine deVries on Navigating Challenges for Sustainable Global Impact with Dr. Catherine deVries on the BackTable Urology Podcast)

The BackTable OBGYN Podcast is a resource for obstetricians and gynecologists to learn tips, techniques, and practical advice on all things OBGYN. Learn from your peers and level up your practice.

Trending Episodes

Surgeon to CMO: Navigating the Career Shift
 with Dr. Mark Hoffman on the BackTable OBGYN Podcast)
Clinical Pearls: Managing Endometriosis Post-Hysterectomy with Dr. Emad Mikhail on the BackTable OBGYN Podcast)
From Systemic Barriers to Action: OBGYN DEI Efforts with Dr. Teni Brown on the BackTable OBGYN Podcast)
Leadership & Mentorship in OBGYN  with Dr. Starr Hampton on the BackTable OBGYN Podcast)

Backtable Innovation brings you stories from physician entrepreneurs who are helping to drive healthcare forward through med tech innovation. Stand on the shoulders of giants with new episodes every other week.

Trending Episodes

Exploring Advancements in Interventional MRI with Dr. David Woodrum & Joshua Krieger on the BackTable Innovation Podcast)
Creativity in Medicine with Dr. Kieran Murphy on the BackTable Innovation Podcast)
Unlocking Business Skills: Physician EMBA Experiences  with Dr. Raj Khalsa and Dr. Roger Tomihama on the BackTable Innovation Podcast)
Biodesign Insights: Embracing Risk & Innovation with Dr. Christopher Kinsella on the BackTable Innovation Podcast)

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