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A Career of Innovation

A Career of Innovation

A Deep Dive into Biliary Interventions

A Lifetime of IR Innovation and Curiosity

Ablation Techniques for Acetabular Lesions

Ablation Techniques for Acetabular Lesions

Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer

Active Surveillance: A Data-Driven Approach

Acute Limb Ischemia Diagnosis & Treatment

Acute Limb Ischemia: Timing, Technology & Triage

Adding Wound Care To Your Practice: Pros and Cons

Addressing Isolation & The Psychosocial Needs of Penile Cancer Patients

Addressing the Challenges of Applications and Transition to Residency

Adjuvant Therapy for Advanced Kidney Cancer: Who, What, When

Adjuvant Therapy for High Risk Bladder Cancer

Adrenal Vein Sampling

Adrenal Vein Sampling

Adult Cochlear Implantation

Advanced Endoscopy Techniques in the Management of Zenker's Diverticulum

Advanced Enteral Access

Advanced Hysteroscopy

Advanced Kyphoplasty Techniques

Advanced Minimally Invasive Pain Interventions

Advanced Minimally Invasive Pain Interventions

Advanced Navigation Systems for FESS: Enhancing Safety

Advanced Pelvic Venous Duplex: Utility of Vascular Ultrasound

Advanced Radial to Peripheral Interventions

Advanced Techniques in Cone Beam CT

Advanced Techniques in Facial Reanimation

Advanced Treatments for Overactive Bladder (OAB)

Advanced Ultrasound for Endometriosis

Advancements in Laser Atherectomy

Advancements in Pulmonary Embolus Intervention Techniques: PEERLESS Trial Insights

Advances in Early Glottic Cancer Treatment Options

Advancing Cancer Care: AUA 2024 Highlights in Prostate & Bladder Cancer

Advancing Surgical Education: 3D Models & Videos

Advancing Vascular Medicine: Inside VIVA’s Multidisciplinary Approach

Advocacy Basics for the Urologist: From Your Clinic to Capitol Hill

AI Advancements in Gynecologic Surgery

AI in Healthcare, Trusting Your Microwave, and Colonizing the Moon

AI in Laryngology: Enhancing Patient Diagnosis

AI in Medicine: Navigating the New Frontier with Confidence

AI in Medicine: Navigating the New Frontier with Confidence

AI Scribes: Enhancing Patient & Physician Interaction

AI Scribes: Enhancing Patient & Physician Interaction

AI Scribes: Enhancing Patient & Physician Interaction

AI Scribes: Enhancing Patient & Physician Interaction

AI Scribes: Enhancing Patient & Physician Interaction

AI Scribes: Enhancing Patient & Physician Interaction

AI Takeover in Radiology: Unreasonable Fear or Reality

Airway Foreign Bodies in Children: Risk Reduction

Airway Surgery: What's in Your Toolbox?

Algorithm for Evaluation of Male Infertility

All Things Enteral Access Part 1

All Things Enteral Access Part 2

Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis

Allergic Rhinitis & Immunotherapy

Alternatives to Private Equity in Radiology: Staying Independent

Ambulatory Workup of Endometriosis Patients

American Head and Neck Society Scholarship for Underrepresented Minority Medical Students

Amplatzer Plugs vs. Coils in Splenic Trauma

Anesthesia vs. Moderate Sedation: A Spectrum of Care

Appalachian OBGYN: Practicing in a Rural Setting

Applying for Urology: Recipe for Success

Approach the Problem with Vision: Part I of the Neuwave Story

Approach to Posterior Circulation Stroke Thrombectomy

Approaches to IR Locums

Appropriate Use of IVUS in Lower Extremity Interventions: Expert Consensus

Aquablation: Expanding BPH Management Options

Arterial Thrombectomy

Artificial Intelligence & Imaging: Present & Future with Aidoc Founder Elad Walach

ASC vs. OBL: Legal Insights Explained

ASCO 2024: Game-Changing GU Oncology Updates in Bladder & Kidney Cancers

Associazione Naso Sano: A Global Education In Otolaryngology

Atherectomy Basics

Augmented Reality: Clinical Use Scenarios and Latest Technologies

Aural Rehabilitation After Pediatric Cochlear Implantation: Expert Insight from Audiology

Automated Patient Follow-Up: Ufonia with Dr. Nick de Pennington

AV Fistula & Graft Maintenance

Awake Spine Surgery

Awake Spine Surgery

Back on the Road2IR

BackTable Basics: Lumbar Epidural Injections

BackTable Basics: Transforaminal, Cervical, and Thoracic Epidural Injections

BackTable ENT First Year Podcast Anniversary!

BackTable Resident Edition: Tips for Virtual & In-Person Urology Residency Interviews

Balloon Dilation of the Eustachian Tube

Balloon Sinuplasty: Evolution, Efficacy & Expert Insights

Bariatric Embolization for Obesity Management

Basivertebral Nerve Ablation

Basivertebral Nerve Ablation

Being a Leader: What it Means & What it Takes

Below the Ankle Expertise: Distal Pedal Access

Below-Ankle Interventions

Best of Backtable ENT: 2024 Year in Review

Better Abscess Drainage

Better Marketing Strategies

Better Neck Health

Better Neck Health

Beyond BPH: PAE in Prostate Cancer

Biliary Disease: Surgical & IR Insights

Biochemical Recurrence: Insights from AUA/ASTRO/SUO Guidelines

Biodegradable Flow Diverters for Cerebral Aneurysms

Biodegradable Flow Diverters for Cerebral Aneurysms

Biodesign Insights: Embracing Risk & Innovation

Biodesign Insights: Embracing Risk & Innovation

Biologics for Nasal Polyps: What’s the Role?

Bladder Cancer Innovations: ESMO 2024 Highlights

Blockchain MD: Healthcare Applications

Blockchain MD: Healthcare Applications

Blue Light Cystoscopy: Improving Bladder Cancer Detection

Blue Light Cystoscopy: Who, When, and How?

BM BX Devices: Jamshidi vs. OnControl

Bone Marrow Biopsy Tools & Techniques

Bone Tumor Ablation: Techniques & Inisghts

Boosting Your ENT Practice with Allergy Services

Breaking Down Interstitial Cystitis

Breaking Down Upper Tract Malignancy

Bridging to Transplant for HCC

Bringing APPs Into Your Practice

Bringing IR to East Africa: The Road2IR Story

BRTO vs. PARTO in Gastric Variceal Bleeding

BRTO: Beyond the Basics

Building a CLI Program

Building a Comprehensive Vein Practice

Building a Comprehensive Women’s Health Practice: Collaboration with GYN

Building a Cross-Specialty Vascular Practice

Building a Deep Venous Program

Building a GAE Practice in the OBL

Building a GAE Practice in the OBL

Building A Limb Salvage Program

Building a MedEd Platform

Building a Microtia Program in Thailand

Building a Musculoskeletal Interventional Oncology Service

Building a Musculoskeletal Interventional Oncology Service

Building a PAD Practice

Building a Pain Interventions Service Line

Building a Pain Interventions Service Line

Building a PE Response Team

Building a Prostate Artery Embolization Program Alongside Urology

Building a Prostate Biopsy Service Line

Building a Prostate Biopsy Service Line

Building a Skillset Outside of Training

Building a Solo Practice

Building a Successful Lymphangiography Practice

Building a Successful MSK Service Line

Building an Ambulatory Surgery Center

Building an Endoleak Service Line

Building an Interventional Oncology Program

Building an IR Department From Scratch

Building an OBL Within an IR/DR Group

Building an OBL Within an IR/DR Group Part 2

Building an Outpatient UFE Practice

Building Centers of Excellence for Pediatric Head & Neck Tumors

Bullying in Vascular Training & Practice

Carotid Interventions

Catheter Shapes: Basic to Challenging Cases

Celebrating 500 Episodes of BackTable

Centering the Conversation Around Health Equity

Centering the Conversation Around Health Equity

Centering the Conversation Around Health Equity

Central and Upper Extremity Venous Interventions

CERAB Technique for Aortoiliac Disease

Challenges and Innovations in Pediatric Dysphagia Management

Challenging Stroke Thrombectomies with Tough Clot

Changing VIR Training Paradigms

Chiba Needle Technique for Tough CTO

Children with Complex Sleep Apnea

Chilling Solutions: Cryoneurolysis in Clinical Practice

Chilling Solutions: Cryoneurolysis in Clinical Practice

Cholecystostomy Tubes

Chronic Cough in Adults

Chronic Invasive Fungal Sinusitis: Diagnosis & Management

Cirugía de Afirmación de Género (en Español)

Clinical Pearls: Managing Endometriosis Post-Hysterectomy

Closing the Gender Gap in Urology

Closure Devices

CO2 Angiography

Coaching Physicians Through the Stress of Malpractice Litigation

Collaboration in the Hybrid OR

Collaboration Not Competition Between IR & IC

Collaborative Approach to Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE) for BPH

Collaborative Approach to Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE) for BPH

Combination Therapy and Clinical Trials for Advanced HCC: What They Really Mean

Comedy, Cancer & Courage: Navigating a Testis Cancer Diagnosis

Complementary and Integrative Medicine in ENT

Complete Cleft Care & Choosing Your Own Adventure

Complex HCC Patients and the "Grey Zone": What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

Complex Lower Extremity Venous Interventions

Complex Penile Implants

Comprehensive Care For Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

Comprehensive DVT Care: CLOUT Study Impacts

Comprehensive Management of Adult OSA

Concentric Health: Rethinking Consent Practices

Cone Beam CT Techniques

Congenital Hearing Loss

Considerations for Post-Chemo RPLND in Advanced Testicular Cancer

Contemporary Medical Management of BPH

Contemporary Surgical Management of BPH

Coping Strategies After Residency

Coping With Procedure Complications

Coping with Surgical Complications During Residency

Cosmetic Gynecology

Cosmetic Interventional Radiology & Marketing

Crafting Clinical Care Pathways in Pediatric ENT

Creating Culture Through Leadership and Mentoring

Creating Culture Through Leadership and Mentoring

Creating Culture Through Leadership and Mentoring

Creating Culture Through Leadership and Mentoring

Creative Solutions to OBL Misadventures

Cryoablation: A Patient’s Kidney Cancer Journey

Cryoneurolysis Pearls & Pitfalls

Cryoneurolysis Pearls & Pitfalls

Cryotherapy for Chronic Rhinitis and Nasal Congestion

Curative Intent Therapies for HCC: Today and Tomorrow

Current Controversies in Prostatic Artery Embolization

Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (CSCC): Evaluating Risks & Navigating Complex Surgical Reconstruction

Cutting Edge Techniques in MSK Oncology: Cryoablation & Beyond

Cybersecurity for Physicians

Código TEP: ¿Lo Hacemos Posible?

DC’ing FB’s with EP: A Collaborative Approach to Complex Foreign Body Retrievals

Dealing with Complications: Advice From a Mentor

Dealing with Exclusive Contracts & Non-Competes

DEB vs. Balloon Angioplasty Alone for Dysfunctional Hemodialysis Access

Debunking Contrast Allergies

Decision Fatigue in Medicine

Declots with the Argon Cleaner Device

Decoding Chronic Pelvic Pain

Decoding Isthmocele: Causes and Considerations

Deep Dive Into Ascites

Deep Dive on Anticoagulation Regimens for Venous Interventions

Deep Venous Arterialization for CLI

Defending the Detrusor: A Clinician’s Perspective

Demonstrating Value at Your Job

Demonstrating Value at Your Job (Part 2)

Design Thinking in Healthcare

Design Thinking in Healthcare

Desmoid Tumors: IR's Role in Diagnosis and Management

Desmoid Tumors: IR's Role in Diagnosis and Management

Device Innovation with Physician CMO Atul Gupta

Diagnosis & Management of Eustachian Tube Disorders

Diagnosis and Management of Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma

Dialysis Interventions with Drug-Coated Balloons, Covered Stents and More

Dietary Modifications for Kidney Stone Prevention

Difficult Conversations

Digital Marketing Strategies

Direct Aspiration vs. Co-Aspiration for Ischemic Stroke

Disability Insurance for Physicians 101

Disability Insurance for Physicians 101

Disc Disease and Intradiscal Therapies

Disc Disease and Intradiscal Therapies

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest

Discussing Social Media Ethics

Discussing the Complications Survey Results

Discussing the Recent NYT Article

Dissecting Wire Senses

Dobbs vs Jackson: How Changing Abortion Laws are Impacting the Medical Workforce

Dobbs vs Jackson: How Changing Abortion Laws are Impacting the Medical Workforce

Doctors and Litigation: The L Word

Doctors and Litigation: The L Word

Doctors and Litigation: The L Word

Drawing Outside the Lines: Creating a New Practice Paradigm

Drawing Outside the Lines: Creating a New Practice Paradigm

E&M Coding Part 2

Early (and Ongoing) Challenges in the OBL

Early Career Challenges

Early Days and Evolution of the TIPS Procedure

El Camino Evolucionario de Francisco Carnevale: La Chispa que Encendió la Embolización de la Próstata

El Futuro de MSK: Embolizaciones Musculoesqueletas

El Futuro de MSK: Embolizaciones Musculoesqueletas

Embolización Prostática: ¿Merecemos Estar en las Guías Clínicas?

Embolization for Treatment of Hemorrhoids

Emergent Cases: The Impact of Arterial Sheath Technology

Emerging Techniques of Advanced Ultrasound in No Options CLTI Patients

Empowering Clinicians through Quality Improvement Initiatives

Empowering Doctors in the Developing World: The Medisetter Story

Empowering Patients Through Image Sharing: The PocketHealth Story

Empowering Patients Through Image Sharing: The PocketHealth Story

Endometriosis Surgery: Techniques & Lessons Learned

Endoscopic Ear Surgery

Endoscopy for the Interventional Radiologist

Endovascular AV Fistula Creation

Endovascular Innovations: The Ellipsys Story

Endovascular Innovations: The Ellipsysis Story

Endovascular Management of CTEPH with Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty (BPA)

Endovascular Treatment of DVT

Endovascular Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism

Endovascular Treatment of Stroke Training: An Update

Enfermedad Arterial Periférica y Salvamento de Extremidades en la Comunidad Latino Americana

Enhancing Men's Health: The Role of APPs

Ensuring Safety & Quality in ASCs

ENT & Gender Diversity: Breaking Down Barriers in Patient Care

ENT Advocacy: Strategies & Impact

ENT Hospitalists: Transforming Inpatient Care Models

ENT Societies: Why Join?

Environmental Impact of Interventional Radiology

Equipment Decisions When Building an OBL

ESMO: Practice Changing Breakthroughs

ESNR Spine Full Hands-On Course

Essential Guide to Varicocele Embolization

Essential Skills for New Residents

Essentials of a Multidisciplinary Team for PE

ESWL: A Forgotten Tool

Eustachian Tube Dilation In The Pediatric Population

Evaluating Female Urinary Incontinence: Essential Steps for the Generalist

Evaluating Female Urinary Incontinence: Essential Steps for the Generalist

Evaluation & Management (E&M) Coding 101

Evaluation & Management of an Infant with a Small Jaw

Evaluation & Management of Patients with Olfactory Dysfunction

Evaluation & Management of Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence

Evaluation and Management of Adrenal Masses

Evaluation and Management of Cholesteatoma

Evaluation and Management of Chronic Frontal Sinusitis in Sweden

Evaluation and Management of Nasal Valve Collapse

Evolution of Healthcare Media

Evolving Paths: Navigating Career Transitions in Medicine

Evolving Pediatric Airway Surgery: A Look at Education and Outreach in India

Evolving the Management of Stage 2 Seminoma

Evolving TIPS Procedures Using New Tools & ICE

EVUS to IVUS: a Continuous Spectrum

Experiencing a Pulmonary Embolism & Thrombectomy

Expert Approaches to Complex PC RPLND Cases Part 1

Expert Approaches to Complex PC RPLND Cases Part 2

Expert Strategies for Achieving Success in Medical Research in Otolaryngology

Exploring Career Paths: SUO Fellowship Experiences

Exploring GAE: Clinical Insights & Outcomes

Exploring GAE: Clinical Insights & Outcomes

Exploring Intradiscal PRP for Back Pain Relief

Exploring IR in Australia

Exploring Psychogenic Aspects of Erectile Dysfunction

Extraspinal Augmentation and the Future of Vertebral Augmentation

Extraspinal Augmentation and the Future of Vertebral Augmentation

Happiness is a Warm Coil: Treating GI Bleeds

Hashtag filterOUT

Hashtag StopTheChop

Health Equity Collaborative in ENT

Health Equity Research in Pediatric Head and Neck Cancer

Healthcare Policy and Advocacy

Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline

HeRO Grafts in Dialysis: Techniques, Challenges & Solutions

High Fidelity Augmented Reality Surgical Simulation: Training to Perform

Historical Origins of Health Inequities

History of Ablative Procedures

History of the TIPS Procedure: An Interview with Barry Uchida

Hitting Reset

HoLEP: Advanced Techniques & Patient Outcomes

Holistic & Integrative Approaches to Prostate Cancer

Hood-Sparing & Greenlight Laser Therapy in BPH Management

Host Stories

How Can AI Help with Acute Aortic Emergencies?

How Do I Negotiate My Physician Contract? Part I

How Do I Negotiate My Physician Contract? Part II

How I Perform a Port Removal

How I Perform Renal Biopsies

How I Place Gastrostomy Tubes

How I Place Nephrostomy Tubes

How to Collaborate with GI on a New Outpatient Service Line

How to Crush Your Interventional Radiology (IR) Rotation

How to Find the Right Job!

How to Get Independent IR Hospital Privileges

How to Implement Advanced Vascular Ultrasound Techniques in Your Practice

How to Maximize Efficiency & Revenue with EMRs & Practice Management Systems

How to Simplify Dosing: Understanding Y90 Dosimetry from Simple to Complex

How to Start Learning About Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

How to Take a Leave of Absence

How to Take Better Biopsies

How to Unlock a Growth Mindset in Medicine

How TV & Radio Still Work to Market Your Practice

How We Talk About Race and the Language of Oppression

HPV & Oropharyngeal Cancer: Evolving Insights & Implications

Human Papillomavirus and Head and Neck Cancers

Human Trafficking: Red Flags and Clinical Guidance

Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation for Adult OSA

Hypothyroidism Unmasked: The ENT’s Diagnostic Journey

Hysteropexy vs Hysterectomy for Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Hysteropexy vs Hysterectomy for Pelvic Organ Prolapse

I Love My Job, But It's Killing Me: Ergonomics in Urology

Identifying Parathyroid Glands: Challenges & Innovations

Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis Evaluation & Management

Iliocaval Stenting

Iliofemoral Stenting: Decision-Making & Best Practices Explored

Image-Guided Headache Interventions

Image-Guided Headache Interventions

Imaging Protocols to Guide Endometriosis Treatment

Immersive VR for Surgical Skills Training: PrecisionOS

Immunotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer

Immunotherapy in HCC: Evolving Treatment Paradigms

Implementing FEES for Infants in CVICU & NICU

Improving Access to Hearing Care Services

Improving Health Equity in Pediatric ENT Care

Improving Public Awareness of Interventional Radiology

Improving Workflow Efficiency: Starting with Paracentesis

In-Depth: Endometrial Ablation

In-Office Ear Tubes in Children

In-Office Facelifts

In-Office Laryngology Procedures: A Deep-Dive

In-Office Management of Salivary Stones

In-Office Procedures for Chronic Rhinitis

In-Office Procedures for Nasal Valve Obstruction

Inclusivity in IR

Inclusión de la Comunidad Latina en la Conversación Endovascular

Independent IR Practice in Rural America

Independent IR: More Than Locums, It's a Calling

Innovaciones en Urología Reconstructiva: Desde Detroit a Puerto Rico

Innovating on Educational Meetings (on site at Paris Vascular Insights)

Innovating on Post Training Education with MRI Online

Innovating Pain Management: The Role of Spinal Cord Stimulators in Outpatient Care

Innovating Pain Management: The Role of Spinal Cord Stimulators in Outpatient Care

Innovating Recognition in Healthcare with nDorse

Innovating Recognition in Healthcare with nDorse

Innovating Under Pressure: Dr. Mehdi Rezavi’s Answer to Groin Complications

Innovating Urology: Surgeons Trailblazing Solutions

Innovating Urology: Surgeons Trailblazing Solutions

Innovation in Spine Interventions

Innovation MD: An Interview With David Liu

Innovation MD: An Interview With David Liu

Innovations in Superficial Venous Disease Treatment

Innovations in Superficial Venous Disease Treatment

Innovative Approaches in Radial to Peripheral Interventions

Innovative Care Models for Underserved Communities

Inside the IR Suite: A Clinician's Own Battle with Portal Vein Thrombosis

Insights on OBGYN Coding & Reimbursements

Integrating APPs into Men’s Health Practices

Integrating Clinical Trials into Routine Urology Practice

Integrating Compounding Into Your Practice

Intelligent Ignorance: Turning Ideas into Innovation

International IR Volunteer Work

Interspinous Spacers for Spinal Stenosis Part 2

Interspinous Spacers for Spinal Stenosis Part 2

Interspinous Spacers for Spinal Stenosis Part I

Interspinous Spacers for Spinal Stenosis Part I

Intervencionismo Pediátrico: No Kits For Peds

Interventional Oncology in Private Practice (Part 1)

Interventional Oncology in Private Practice (Part 2)

Interview With Interventional Initiative Founders

Intra-Arterial & Percutaneous Treatment of Giant Hepatic Hemangiomas

Intra-Arterial Approaches in Brain Tumor Therapy: Overcoming the Blood-Brain Barrier

Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy for Retinoblastoma

Intra-Arterial Therapies for Migraine Management

Intracapsular Tonsillectomy in Children

Intracranial Complications of Acute Sinusitis in Children

Intravascular Lithotripsy for Fem-Pop Disease in the ASC

Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) for Peripheral Arterial Work

Intro to Structural Heart Disease

Introducing BackTable OBGYN

Investing in Yourself, Sobtech & the Evolution of AI in Teleradiology

IR Identity and Turf Wars

IR in Saudi Arabia

IR Locums Update

IR Pathways Unveiled: Matching, Training & Beyond

IR Residency Interviews: Tips from a Program Director

IR Residency Pathways & Getting In! (Part 1)

IR Residency Pathways & Getting In! (Part 2)

IR Training: Perspectives & Expectations

IR/NIR Neurosurgery Collaboration: Expanding the Blueprint

IR/NIR Neurosurgery Collaboration: Expanding the Blueprint

IR/OB Collaboration in Treating Postpartum Hemorrhage

IR/OB Collaboration in Treating Postpartum Hemorrhage

IRP Monitoring: Enhancing Patient Outcomes in Urology

Is Burnout For Real? Physician Well-Being

Is Radioembolization a Future Option for Prostate Cancer?

IVC Filter Retrieval: Tips & Technique

IVUS for Iliac Vein Compression

Making Ethics Matter

Making Healthcare Accessible and Affordable Using Deep Learning

Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice with the Interventional Initiative

Making the Switch: Transitioning from Private Practice to Academics

Management of Advanced Prostate Cancer for the Urologist

Management of BCG-refractory NMIBC

Management of Bladder Cancer

Management of Bladder Cancer: Insights from Community Practice

Management of Chronic Testicular Pain

Management of Cystitis & Pelvic Pain Syndrome

Management of Female Stress Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Management of Female Stress Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Management of HCC: Focus on Radiation Segmentectomy Part 1

Management of HCC: Focus on Radiation Segmentectomy Part 2

Management of Localized Prostate Cancer

Management of Locally Advanced Kidney Cancer

Management of Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer

Management of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Management of Pelvic Pain as a Urologist: How Can We Help?

Management of Penile Cancer

Management of Post-Prostatectomy Erectile Dysfunction

Management of Small Renal Masses

Management of Testicular Cancer

Management of the Plunging Ranula

Management of Vulvar Varices

Management of Zenker’s Diverticula

Managing Biochemical Recurrence After Prostate Radiation

Managing Biochemical Recurrence After Prostatectomy

Managing Epistaxis Alongside IR

Managing Eustachian Tube Disorders

Managing Low & Intermediate RIsk Bladder Cancer

Managing Pediatric OSA Like A Boss

Managing Pelvic Venous Disease: From Diagnosis to Treatment

Managing Retropharyngeal Abscesses in Children

Managing Sarcomas: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Managing Supplies in your Outpatient Facility

Managing the Difficult Airway Through Innovation: The Adroit Surgical Story

Managing the Difficult Airway Through Innovation: The Adroit Surgical Story

Managing Urosepsis

Managing Venous Stent Rethrombosis with the RevCore Device

Manejo Avanzado de Cancer de Cabeza y Cuello en Práctica Privada

Manejo de Condiciones Neurotologicas

Manejo de Estreches Uretral (en Español)

Manejo de las Estenosis Benignas en Vía Biliar: Actualización en Stents Biodegradables

Market Dynamics: Big Business Coming for Healthcare

Mastering Microwave Ablation in HCC Treatment

Matching into ENT Residency as an International Medical Graduate

Mavericks as Innovators: How Daring Leads to Discovery

Mavericks as Innovators: How Daring Leads to Discovery

Maximizing Knowledge & Surgical Preparation: Strategies for Trainees

Medical Innovations: IR in Space

Medical Missions in ENT: Spotlight on Project Ear

Medicinal Cannabis: The Current State with PureVita Labs Founder Dr. Jason Iannuccilli

Medicinal Cannabis: The Current State with PureVita Labs Founder Dr. Jason Iannuccilli

Mediport Placement

Men's Health & Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Men's Health and Social Media

Men's Sexual Health

Menopause Matters: Clinical Strategies & Patient Support

Mental Constructs to Avoid Complications

Mentorship for Wellness

Mentorship, Feedback & Coaching

Mentorship: A Practical Guide

Mentorship: a Practical Guide

Mentorship: Buzzword or Benefit?

Mentorship: Making it Work for Everyone

Men’s Health in a Digital Space

Metabolic Workup for Pediatric Stone Patients

MicroCT for PAD: What You Need to Know

Microtia Surgery in Children

Microwave Ablation for Liver Lesions

Microwave Ablation for Liver Lesions

Microwave Ablation Techniques: Dr. Ed Kim's Approach

Microwave Ablation: A Powerful but Underused Modality for Treatment of Spine Tumors

Microwave Ablation: A Powerful but Underused Modality for Treatment of Spine Tumors

Midurethral Slings vs Bulkamid: What Clinicians Need to Know

Midurethral Slings vs Bulkamid: What Clinicians Need to Know

Minimally Invasive Bone Grafting & Orthopedic Innovation

Minimally Invasive Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Minimally Invasive Thyroid Interventions

Minimizing Complications for Challenging Lung Biopsies

Minimizing Complications for Lung Biopsies

Minimizing Radiation Therapy Side Effects

Modern Vertebral Augmentation

Modern Vertebral Augmentation

Modernizing Fertility Practice: The AI Transformation

Moral Injury in Interventional Radiology

Moving the Needle: Percutaneous Treatment of Tendon Injuries

Moving the Needle: Percutaneous Treatment of Tendon Injuries

MSK IR in Private Practice: Challenges & Opportunities

MSOs and Value-Based Care: What You Need to Know

Multidisciplinary Approach to Treating Spinal Metastases

Multidisciplinary Approach to Treating Spinal Metastases

Multidisciplinary Cancer Care: Lynn's Chemoembolization and More

Multidisciplinary HCC Care: Improving the Patient Experience with Combined Clinics

Multidisciplinary Management of RCC

Musculoskeletal Tumor Embolizations

Musculoskeletal Tumor Embolizations

Music, Medicine, & Ministry

My Algorithm for Below the Knee CLI

Myths & Truths About Women’s Pelvic Health

Más allá de la Técnica: La Gestión Emocional como Herramienta

Más Allá del Coil: El Bienestar del Intervencionista

Nasal Airway Management: Evolving Practices in Diagnosis and Treatment

Nasal vs. Mouth Breathing: Does it Matter?

Navigating Adenomyosis: From Misconceptions to Innovative Solutions

Navigating Frontal Sinus Surgery

Navigating Healthcare Reform: Lessons from Urology Advocacy

Navigating Institutional and Society Leadership Opportunities

Navigating Insurance Contracts in the OBL Setting

Navigating OBL & ASC Business: Pitfalls to Avoid

Navigating Physician and Industry Relationships

Navigating Physician Partnerships: Understanding Stark Law

Navigating Postgraduate Training in Urology as an International Medical Graduate

Navigating Synkinesis: From Diagnosis to Comprehensive Care

Navigating the Aftermath: Change Healthcare’s Cyberattack & Response

Navigating the Hype

Navigating Type I Laryngeal Clefts in Children

Navigating Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma

Navigation Software for IR Guidance

Needs Driven Innovation

Needs Driven Innovation

Nephrostomy Tube Placement: Basic to Advanced

Neurostimulation for Overactive Bladder: What's New

Neurovascular IR (Part I)

Neurovascular IR (Part II)

New Approaches to Patient Acquisition & Marketing

New Balloon Technologies for CLI

New Frontiers in Spinal Tumor Ablation & Augmentation

New Frontiers in Spinal Tumor Ablation & Augmentation

New Horizons in IR: Private Practice Insights & Strategies

New Innovations in Closure Devices

New Innovations in Lower GI Bleed Embolization

New Innovations in Treatment of PE: The Flow Medical Story

New Innovations in Treatment of PE: The Flow Medical Story

New Technologies for Prostate Screening

New Technologies for Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysms

New Tools for TIPS

New Tools to Treat Severe Distal Femoropopliteal Disease

Next Level Electroporation Therapy: The RadioClash Story

Next Level Electroporation Therapy: The RadioClash Story

Next Level Stuff, the Exit: Part III of the Neuwave Story

No Stone Unturned: Kidney Stone Prevention

Non-Opiod Pain Management in GYN Surgery

Non-Opioid Approaches for Post-Operative Patients

Novel Approach to PCNLs

Novel Bariatric and Pain Therapies

Novel Right Heart Interventions

Novel Techniques for Arterial Thrombectomy: Large Bore & Beyond

Novel Treatment of Unicameral & Aneurysmal Bone Cysts

Novel Treatment of Unicameral & Aneurysmal Bone Cysts

PAD Stenting Algorithm

PAE in the OBL

Pain and Veins: A Unique OBL Practice

Pain and Veins: A Unique OBL Practice

Painful Bladder Syndrome

Palliative Care in IR

Palliative Care in IR

Passion Projects & Entrepreneurship

Pathology 101: Solid Advice for Percutaneous Biopsies

Patient Preparation Made Easy: The Wellprept Story

Patient Preparation Made Easy: The Wellprept Story

Patient Selection for GreenLight & Other BPH Treatments

Pedal Acceleration Time for Limb Salvage

Pediatric Cochlear Implant Program in Costa Rica

Pediatric Cochlear Implants

Pediatric Open Airway Surgery: It’s All About the Decision-Making

Pediatric Tracheostomy: The Long Game

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Part 1: Diagnosis and Planning

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Part 2: Technique and Follow-Up

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy for Early Incontinence Recovery After Prostatectomy

Pelvic PT: An Introduction for Interventionalists

Percutaneous Creation of a Distal Deep Venous Arterialization (dDVA)

Percutaneous Lung Biopsies: Pleural & Parenchymal Blood Patching

Percutaneous Lung Biopsies: The Basics

Percutaneous Transmural Arterial Bypass (PTAB) as a Treatment Option for CTOs

Percutaneous Transmural Arterial Bypass: Updates on Technique & Data

Perfecting Rectal Spacer Placement for Optimal Care

Performing PAE and Practice Building in 2024

Perioperative Optimization for Radical Cystectomy Patients (Part 1)

Perioperative Optimization for Radical Cystectomy Patients (Part 2)

Peripartum & Postpartum Hemorrhage

Peripartum Pelvic Floor Disorders Explained

Peritoneal Dialysis Catheters

Persistent Pain in Endometriosis Patients

Peyronie's Disease (en Español)

Peyronie's Disease Challenges and Solutions

Physician Burnout

Physician Contract Negotiation

Physician Finances and Perspectives on Private Equity

Physician Side Gigs

Physician Side Gigs

Physician Underdog

Physician Wellness

Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS)

Plumbers, Scientists and Educators: Is It Possible to Fit It All In and Have a Life?

Police Presence in Medical Spaces

Portal Hypertension and Ascites Management

Portal Hypertension Treatment Strategies: IR & Hepatology Perspectives

Portal Vein Recan #Recandoit

Practical AI: Learning the Basics

Practical PSA Screening for PCPs and Urologists

Practice Building in a Traditional IR/DR Practice

Practicing IR in India

Practicing IR in the UK

Precision Medicine in Prostate Cancer

Prehabilitation in Periprocedural Care: Surgery Hero

Preliminary Complementary Data for Pairing mpMRI and the ExoDx Prostate Test

Prescribing Personalized Nutrition: Defining Digital Therapeutics

Pressure-Directed Therapy in TACE

Pressure-Directed Therapy in Y90

Price Transparency in Healthcare

Price Transparency in Healthcare

Price Transparency in Healthcare

Price Transparency in Healthcare

Primer on Medical Treatment of Osteoporosis and Non-Surgical Management

Primer on Medical Treatment of Osteoporosis and Non-Surgical Management

PRIMR: Simple Cancer Explanations

Principles to Practice: An HCC Tumor Board

Privademics and Advantages of Lesser Known Community Programs

Private Equity and the Radiology Job Environment

Private Equity: Savior or Existential Threat?

Promoting Your Practice

Pros & Cons of Independence in the OBL

ProScan’s Path: Medical Expertise to Business Success Part 1

ProScan’s Path: Medical Expertise to Business Success Part 2

Prostate Artery Embolization

Prostate Cancer: Navigating Focal Therapy Options

Prostate Cancer: The Patient's Perspective

Protect Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Pulmera’s Journey From Concept to Clinical Impact

Pulmera’s Journey From Concept to Clinical Impact

Pulmonary Embolization Interventions & Response Teams

Punishing the Machine and Treating Autism: Sirica Therapeutics

Race and AI in Radiology

Radial Access Evolution: Clinical Perspectives & Insights from the RAVI Registry

Radial Access for PAD

Radial to Peripheral Tools & Technique

Radial vs. Femoral Access in IO Procedures

Radial vs. Femoral for Prostate Artery Embolization

Radiation Therapy for Favorable Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer

Radiation’s Evolving Role in Kidney Cancer: From Resistance to Relevance

Radiofrequency Ablation: Modern Management of Thyroid Nodules

Radiologists as Spine and Pain Specialist

Radiologists as Spine and Pain Specialist

Radiotherapy for High Risk Prostate Cancer

Radiotherapy for Unfavorable Intermediate Prostate Cancer

Raising Capital

Recanalization In Benign Venous Occlusions

Recovering From a Major Injury as a Proceduralist

Recruiting the Next Generation of Otolaryngologists

Recurrent UTIs: Controlling Those Nasty Little Bladder Infections

Recurrent UTIs: Controlling Those Nasty Little Bladder Infections

Redefining Surgery: Virtuoso’s Robotic Precision

Redefining Surgery: Virtuoso’s Robotic Precision

Reevaluating Activity Guidelines After Surgery

Reflections on a Career in Clinical IR

RefluxRaft: A New Option Beyond Conventional Therapy

Reimbursement Realities in Today’s Medical Practices

Renal Ablation Technique & Devices

Renal Ablation Therapies

Renal Trauma Embolization

Renal Tumor Ablations: Technique & Advancements

Rethinking Healthcare Administration & Policy

Retrograde Pedal Access

Revision Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Revolución en Higiene Nasal

Revolutionizing ENT with Artificial Intelligence

RF Ablation for Painful Spinal Metastases

RF Ablation for Painful Spinal Metastases

RF Ablation Therapy for Bone Metastases

Rhinoplasty Fundamentals & Beyond: In-Depth

RhoGAM’s Role in Pregnancy: Facts & Controversies

Road to Becoming a Y90 Authorized User (While in Training!)

Robotic Reconstructive Urology

Robotic Surgery in Pregnancy: Techniques & Challenges

Robotics in Interventional Oncology

Robotics in Interventional Oncology

Roe vs. Wade and Reproductive Justice

Role of Dentistry in Head and Neck Cancer Patients

RPLND for Early Stage Testicular Cancer

RVUs in Gynecologic Surgery: Equity & Reform

Sacroplasty I: Principles & New Data in the Treatment of Sacral Insufficiency Fractures

Sacroplasty I: Principles & New Data in the Treatment of Sacral Insufficiency Fractures

Sacroplasty II: Technique, Pearls & Training Opportunities with Dr. Doug Beall

Sacroplasty II: Technique, Pearls & Training Opportunities with Dr. Doug Beall

SAFARI Procedure

Safeguarding Physician Wellbeing: Julie Wei’s Journey

Scheduling Strategies for Clinicians: Flexibility & Transparency

SCS for Neuropathy: Clinical Insights & Patient Impact

SCS for Neuropathy: Clinical Insights & Patient Impact

Second Victim and Resilience in OBGYN

Setting the Benchmark: Ablation Confirmation Software for Tumors

Setting Up a Vein Clinic

Sharp Recanalization Using the RF Wire

Shooting For Big Projects

Shooting For Big Projects


Simulation in Gynecologic Surgery

Simulation in Pediatric Airway Foreign Body & Open Airway Surgery

Single Port Robotics in GYN: Advancing Minimally Invasive Surgery

Single Sided Deafness in Children

SIO 2024: The Bright Future of IO

SIR Global IR Training Network

Site of Service Differentials

Slow Burn Physician Entrepreneur: Lessons Learned

Smoking Cessation for the Urologist

Social Determinants of Health in OBGYN

Solid Organ & Pelvic Trauma

Solving for Stent Adjacent Stenosis: the Auxetics Story

Solving for Stent Adjacent Stenosis: the Auxetics Story

Solving Semen Analysis Barriers: Innovation & Accessibility

Special 100th Episode Interview with BackTable

Special COVID-19 Update

Spinal Ablation Therapies

Spyglass Interventions

Staff Culture

Staffing the OBL

Starting a MedTech Company 101

Starting a MedTech Company 101

Stick It: Glue Embo

Stone Retrieval and Other Advanced Biliary Interventions

STREAM 5th Anniversary: Stronger Than Ever!

Stridor in Newborns: Evaluation & Management

Stroke Thrombectomy in Special Populations

Successful (and Quick!) Declots for AV Access

Successful Bone Lesion Biopsies

Suction Devices in Urology: Improving Stone Removal

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sugerencias y Mañas a la Hora de Ureteroscopia para Calculo Renal

Supraphysiological Wound Care: From Hot Water Bottle to Plexaa

Surgeon Ergonomics

Surgery for HCC: What’s Its Role Today?

Surgery for High-Risk Prostate Cancer

Surgical Complications: Lessons Learned

Surgical Ergonomics: The Unseen Risk to Surgeon Wellbeing

Surgical Management of Parathyroid Disease

Surgical Management of Synkinesis & Static Procedures for Flaccid Facial Palsy

Surgical Options for Lymphedema

Surgical Tips and Tricks for Prostatectomy

Surgical vs. Endovascular Management of CFA Disease

Surviving Cancer: A Patient's Radioembolization Journey

Sustainability in Surgery

Sustainable Global Healthcare Missions

Sustainable Healthcare: The Power of Clinician Advocacy

SVC Sharp Recanalizations

Tackling the Big Uterus

Tackling Upper GI Bleeds: Techniques & Tools

Tap Yourself In: The Osso VR Story

Targeting the Tumor Microenvironment in HCC

TBAD Management: Best Practices in Aortic Dissection

Teaching Surgical Residents in the XXI Century: Beyond See One, Do One, Teach One

Teaching Trainees the Art of Surgical Learning

Teaming Up On Trauma, Gun Violence & Addressing Trauma Care Deserts

Teaming Up With Urology to Treat Renal Masses

Techniques & Maneuvers for Optimal TURBT

Technologist Training & Retention

Technology and 3D Imaging for Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery in Children

Techs & Tools: The Difference a Great Tech Can Make on Practice & Patients

Testosterone & Hypogonadism: A Clinical Perspective

Testosterone Replacement in Prostate Cancer Survivors

Testosterone Therapy Today: Clinical Advances & Safety

Testosterone: Navigating Options & Implementation in Clinical Practice

The 'Woundosome' Concept

The Anatomy of a Complication: Surgeon Health

The Art & Science of Declotting the Dialysis Circuit

The Art of Doctoring: Empathy & Social Awareness

The Art of Negotiation: Securing Worth for Clinicians

The Bladder Cancer Matters Podcast

The Butterfly Story

The Butterfly Story

The Challenges of a Dual Physician Household

The Charm of Startups: The Economics of Healthcare Innovation

The Effects of the Omicron Variant of SARS-CoV-2 on Smell and the Immune Response

The Evolution of Bladder Cancer Treatment: New Insights on Lymphadenectomy

The Evolution of Trauma Care in Interventional Radiology

The Evolving Role of Drug Eluting Stents in PAD

The Future of Interventional Spine Training

The Future of Otolaryngology is in the Office

The Future of Otolaryngology: A Collaborative Approach

The Future of Urology Education: How to Stay Up to Date

The Gender Gap in IR: Progress & Challenges

The Genesis of Genitourinary Reconstruction Surgery (GURS)

The Halo Effect

The Hidden Struggles: Supporting Mental Health in Medicine Together, Not Alone

The History (and Future) of the STREAM Conference

The Human Side of Surgery: Confronting Burnout Together

The Impact of AI on Urology: Changing the Game

The Impact of Music in the Operating Room

The Importance of a Multidisciplinary Filter Retrieval Program

The Ins and Outs of Ear Tubes

The Legends: An Interview with Dr. Kathy Krol

The Legends: an Interview with Dr. Thomas Sos

The Making of a "Good" IR

The Man Behind the Sheath: How Dr. Gary Ansel went from Almost TV Repairman to Endovascular Innovator

The Man Behind the Sheath: How Dr. Gary Ansel went from Almost TV Repairman to Endovascular Innovator

The Microbiome

The MOTION Study: Cryoablation for Painful Bone Metastases

The MOTION Study: Cryoablation for Painful Bone Metastases

The Multidisciplinary Approach to Combatting CLI Globally

The Natural Orifice Surgery: Vaginal Hysterectomy

The PERT Approach: Innovating on Acute PE Management

The Physician's MBA: Is It Worth It, and Where to Start

The Pregnant Interventionalist

The Recent Trend of Insurance Denials for CLI Interventions

The Right Job for You with the STAT Careers Founders

The Role of IR in Stroke Interventions (Part 1)

The Role of IR in Stroke Interventions (Part 2)

The Role of Renal Mass Biopsy in Modern Urology

The Role of Speech Pathology in Professional Voice Care

The Struggle is Real(ly Important!)

The Surgeon Scientist: Fostering the Next Generation

The Terrible Urological 5: Time for Cystectomy & Urinary Diversion

The TheraSphere Story

The TheraSphere Story

The Third-Party-Free Model: Redefining Patient Care

The Tympa Health Journey: From Clinical Challenge to Tech Solution

The Tympa Health Journey: From Clinical Challenge to Tech Solution

The vNOTES Procedure

The Wire Watch Story

Thoracentesis Best Practices

Thoracic Endometriosis: Beyond the Pelvis in Diagnosis

Thrombectomy for Large Core Infarctions: Balancing Benefits & Risks

Thyroglossal Duct Cysts in Children: A Comprehensive Approach

Thyroid Ablation: Efficacy, Safety, and Procedure Overview

Thyroid Nodule Ablation

Thyroid Nodules

Tinnitus & Migraine: Expert Insight

Tips & Tricks for Difficult Ureteroscopy

Tips & Tricks for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)

Tips & Tricks for Techs in the OBL

Tips and Tricks for Telehealth

TIPS Procedure Techniques: East vs. West

TIPS University Freshman Year: Referrals and Pre-op Workup

TIPS University Junior Year: Advanced Techniques, ICE, and Splenic Access

TIPS University Senior Year: Gunsight Technique & Splenic Closure

TIPS University Sophomore Year: Basic Procedure Technique

TIPS with ICE Guidance

Toolbox Essentials for CLI in the OBL

Tools for Crossing Challenging CTOs

Trailblazers in ENT: Otolaryngology, Politics & Patient Advocacy

Trailblazers in ENT: Stories from House Clinic

Training in Open vs Endovascular Techniques

Transcranial Focused Ultrasound for Tremor: Next Generation Image-Guided Therapy for the Brain

Transcranial Focused Ultrasound for Tremor: Next Generation Image-Guided Therapy for the Brain

Transfemoral Liver Biopsy: A Novel Approach

Transforming Gynecologic Surgery with Robotics

Transforming Peer Review: From Punitive to Productive

Transforming Radiology with Workflow Solutions

Transition from Clinical Practice to Industry

Transitioning from Academia to Private OBL Practice

Transitioning from Hospital to OBL Practice (Part I)

Transitioning from Hospital to OBL Practice (Part II)

Transperineal Prostate Biopsy: A Practical Startup Guide

Transplantation for HCC: Who, When, and How?

Transplante de Higado: Nuestro Rol como Radiólogos Intervencionistas

Transradial Access: Basic to Advanced

Transverse Sinus Stenting for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

Tratamientos Mínimamente Invasivos para HPB

TREAT Symposium: Advancing Clinical Education with Live Cases

Treating Above the Knee Calcium

Treating Acute Limb Ischemia

Treating Below the Knee Calcium

Treating BPH with Rezum

Treating Cerebral Aneurysms

Treating Clot in Transit

Treating Extraspinal Painful Bony Metastases

Treating Extraspinal Painful Bony Metastases

Treating False Lumen Perfusion in Chronic Aortic Dissections

Treating PAD in the OBL

Treating the Difficult IV Access (DiVA) Patient

Treating the Pregnant Patient

Treating Tongue-Tie

Treating Vascular Anomalies

Treatment Algorithms for Severe Venous Disease

Treatment Algorithms for Splenic Artery Embolizations

Treatment of Endoleaks (Part I)

Treatment of Endoleaks (Part II)

Treatment of Epistaxis by IR and ENT

Treatment of Nasal Polyps

Treatment of Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations

Trials and Tribulations: Part II of the Neuwave Story

True Lumen Re-Entry with Pioneer Plus

TULSA-PRO: A Practical Guide for Setup and Success

Tunneled Dialysis Catheters

Tunneled Pleural and Peritoneal Catheters

Turbinates, Nasal Congestion, and the Dreaded Empty Nose

Tympanic Membrane Perforation in Children

Type B Aortic Dissections

WAIS Series: An Interview with Dr. Dan Sze

WAIS Series: An Interview with Dr. David Kumpe

WAIS Series: An Interview with Dr. Ernie Ring

Weight Loss Medications & Impact on OSA

What I Wish I Knew My 1st Year Out in Practice

What is a Surgical Coach, and Why Do I Need One?

What is POTS and Orthostatic Flow Syndrome?

What Makes a Good Sales Rep / Physician Relationship?

What’s New in the ENT Residency Match Process?

When & How to Decide to Convert to an ASC From an OBL

When Otolaryngologists Hold Leadership Positions in Health Systems

When Providers Become Patients: Testicular Cancer and Beyond

When Providers Become Patients: Testicular Cancer and Beyond

When Providers Become Patients: Testicular Cancer and Beyond

When Providers Become Patients: Testicular Cancer and Beyond

When that First Physician Job Isn't a Good Fit

Where to Start with Your Device Idea (and Other Entrepreneurial Pursuits!)

Which Dissections Matter, and How to Treat Them

Which Medical Device, a Tool to Help you Choose

Which Medical Device, a Tool to Help you Choose

Who is SIO? Past, Present and Future of Our Society

Who is the Future Otolaryngologist?

Why Do I need a Physician Coach?

Why Dr. Rusty Hofmann Built an Innovative Digital Health Company

Why Dr. Rusty Hofmann Built an Innovative Digital Health Company

Why We Need to Be Treating Osteoporosis for Our Compression Fracture Patients

Why We Need to Be Treating Osteoporosis for Our Compression Fracture Patients

Winning the Revenue Cycle Game

Women's Sexual Health

Women’s Health at Risk: Climate Change Realities

Workforce Analysis & Why It’s Important

Working Together: Language Development in Deaf & Hard of Hearing Children

Working with Industry

World of Hurt: A New Film About Medical Malpractice

World of Hurt: A New Film About Medical Malpractice


A Clinician's Guide to Kidney Stone Prevention: Protein, Collagen & Oxalate Management

A Quick Start Guide to Dysphagia: Diagnosis, Treatment & The Role of Stress

Access Points and End Points in Peripheral Arterial Disease

Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: A Tailored Approach

Acute Limb Ischemia: Rutherford Classification, Imaging Techniques & Essential Labs

Adenomyosis & Infertility: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Adenomyosis vs Endometriosis: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Adrenal Vein Sampling: Clinical Management Before & After

Adrenal Vein Sampling: Tips for Cannulating the Right Adrenal Vein

Adult Cochlear Implant Indications & Evaluation

Advanced Gynecology Ultrasounds For Endometriosis & Adenomyosis

AI for Aortic Injury: Emergent vs Elective Care

Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis Treatment: Clearing Out the “Peanut Butter”

An Introduction to Systemic Therapies for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

An Overview of Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines

Anesthetic Protocol In Office-Based Rhinologic Procedures

Aortic Dissection Complications During Treatment

Aortic Dissection Types

Aortic Injury: AI Advancements & Future Outlook

Aquablation Essentials: Patient Candidacy & Procedure Protocols

Aquablation of the Prostate: A Practical Procedure Guide

Argon Option ELITE IVC Filter Placement & Deployment Technique

Arterial Dissection Treatment with Tacks

Arterial Thrombectomy Device Selection & Clinical Decision-Making

Arterial Thrombectomy in Acute Limb Ischemia: A Practical Guide

Ascites Assessment & Chronic Liver Disease Workup

Assessing Venous Disease For Optimal Endovascular Stent Placement

At-Home Semen Analysis: Lowering Cost & Expanding Access Through Innovation

Atherectomy Devices for Peripheral Artery Disease

Aural Rehabilitation Goals for Children with Cochlear Implants

Awake Spine Surgery: Advantages & Applications

Caring for Patients in an Office-Based Lab Versus Hospital Setting

Catheter Options & Advanced Cannulation Techniques in Challenging IR Cases

Catheter Options for Cannulating Branches of the Aorta

Causes of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL): Many Potential Etiologies, One Otologic Emergency

CELT Closure Device: Pros, Cons & Potential Complications

Challenges and Evolutions in Limb Salvage

Cholesteatoma Causes, Symptoms & Clinical Presentation

Cholesteatoma Surgery: Expert Strategies for Optimal Outcomes

Choosing a Surgical Navigation System that Fits Your ENT Practice

Choosing the Right Equipment for Radial Access Success

Chronic Cough Diagnosis: Definitions, Differentials, Physical Exam & Functional Tests

Chronic Frontal Sinusitis: Clinical Presentations & Management Strategies

Chronic Invasive Fungal Sinusitis Treatment

Chronic Mouth Breathing: Clinical Evaluation & Treatment

Chronic Rhinitis Treatment & Management

Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO) Basics

Cleft Lip Repair Techniques: Unilateral vs Bilateral

Climate Change: a Women’s Health Issue

Clinical Presentations of Atypical Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR)

Clot in Transit: Definition, Diagnosis & Decision Making

Coblation vs Microdebrider Intracapsular Tonsillectomy

Cochlear Implant Surgery Procedure Techniques & Complications

Coloplast Titan vs AMS 700 Penile Implant Devices

Combination Therapies in Peripheral Artery Disease: Which Devices Give the Best Outcomes?

Complex Airway Disorders in Infants with Stridor: Diagnosis & Surgical Strategies

Complex Causes of Pediatric Hearing Loss: Auditory Neuropathy, CMV & Bacterial Meningitis

Complicated Intracranial Stenosis Treatment: How to Maximize Success

Complications After Ear Tube Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide

Compounded Medications in Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Comprehensive Evaluation of Stridor in Babies

Contraindications to Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE)

Contrast Dye Allergy: Call Iodine Allergy What It Is

Cosmetic Gynecology: Balancing Societal Pressures & Patient Goals

Cryoablation of the Stellate Ganglion: Procedure Technique & Patient Outcomes

Cryoneurolysis for Pain Management: Advantages, Indications & Future Directions

CT Guided Lung Biopsy Procedure Techniques

CTO Devices for Crossing, Re-Entry & The Future of Chronic Total Occlusion Treatment

Current Practices In Combination Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Current Spine Intervention Innovations

Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treatment

E&M Changes 2021 & Guidelines

E&M Codes Every Interventional Radiologist Should Know

E&M Coding for Interventional Radiologists: An Overview

Easy Epic Keyboard Shortcuts

Electric Stimulation for Overactive Bladder: Patient Evaluation, Device Selection & Complications

Emergent Obstructive Pyelonephritis Treatment

Empty Nose Syndrome: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Solutions

Endarterectomy for CFA Disease: Indications, Techniques & Risk Reduction

Endometrial Cancer in the Clinic: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Referral Pathways

Endometrial Cryoablation with Cerene: Focus on Patient Experience

Endometriosis Signs & Symptoms: How to Identify Endometriosis

Endometriosis Treatment: Surgical Decisions, Adjunctive Therapies & Social Determinants

Endometriosis Unraveled: Defining, Diagnosing & Treating

Endometriosis Workup: Exam Techniques For Early, Advanced & Diaphragmatic Endometriosis

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery with Navigation: Preoperative & Intraoperative Applications of Advanced Navigation

Endovascular Innovations in CFA Disease: Shockwave Lithotripsy & Beyond

Endovascular Treatment of DVT

ENT In-Office Procedures

Establishing a Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation (TULSA) Program for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation in Pediatrics: Indications & Contraindications

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction in Adults vs Pediatrics

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Test: A Comprehensive Guide

Evaluating Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis (ARFS): Symptoms & Diagnostic Criteria

Evaluating Infant Feeding Difficulties: The Role of FEES & VFSS

Evaluating Success in Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation: Outcomes & Complications

Evaluating Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL) Symptoms

Evaluating Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma (UTUC)

Evaluation & Diagnosis of Congenital Hearing Loss

Evolving Guidelines on Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Evolving Practices: Microwave Ablation with Multiple Probes & Ablation Confirmation Software

ExosomeDx: Rethinking Prostate Cancer Screening in the Era of Precision Medicine

Exparel: Non-Opioid Pain Control in Women’s Health

External vs Internal Radiation Therapy in Prostate Cancer: Patient Selection & Procedure Best Practices

Hands On with the CELT Closure Device

Hard To Swallow: Assessing Pediatric Dysphagia

Hashimoto’s Treatment: Hormone Replacement & Lifestyle Modifications

HCC Locoregional Therapies for Bridging to Transplant

Head and Neck Cancer Free Flap Surgery: Strategies for Success

Headache Interventions in Practice: Finding the Cause of Severe Headaches

Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Practice: Optimizing Workflows & Treatment Decisions

HIFU vs LIFU in Neurodegenerative Disorders

High-Grade BCG-Unresponsive Bladder Cancer Management & Alternatives

High-Risk Prostate Cancer: Diagnosis & Treatment Strategies

HoLEP Procedure Pros & Cons

How to Assess and Treat the DVT Patient

How to Build a Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) Practice

How To Build A Pulmonary Embolism Response (PERT) Team

How to Build an Office-Based Lab & Office-Based Lab Requirements

How to Declot AV Fistulas & Grafts Part 1: Patient Prep, Access, Outflow

How to Declot AV Fistulas & Grafts Part 2: Finishing Touches & Follow-Up Care

How to Diagnose Endometriosis: Challenges, Barriers & New Solutions

How to Flush a Foley Catheter

How to Insert a Catheter in a Female Patient: a Step-by-Step Guide

How to Integrate Ear Endoscopy into Your Surgical & Clinical ENT Practice

How to Integrate In-Office Ear Tube Placement into Your Pediatric ENT Practice

How to Perform Balloon Sinuplasty in the Office Setting

How to Reduce Blood Loss During Myomectomy: Advanced Techniques in Laparoscopic Myomectomy Surgery

How To Set Up Your Cath Lab for Better Radial Access Ergonomics

HPV Oropharyngeal Cancer Treatment

HPV-Related Cancer Detection: Clinical Evaluation & Diagnostic Strategies

Hummingbird Ear Tubes: Tips & Tricks for Efficient Application

Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Surgery, Part 1: Candidacy, Technique & Device Limitations

Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Surgery, Part 2: Postoperative Care, Device Settings & Side Effects

Identifying Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis: Signs & Symptoms

Identifying Isthmocele: Symptoms, Causes & Diagnostic Methods

Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis Treatment: Steroids, Dilation or Surgery?

Iliofemoral Venous Disease Diagnosis & Patient Management

Imaging for Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE): CTA, Cone Beam CTA, or DSA?

Imaging to Atherectomy: Technologies to Identify and Treat Peripheral Arterial Disease

Improving Access to Pelvic Floor PT

In-Office Ear Tube Placement: Benefits & Drawbacks

In-Office Facelift: Optimizing Patient Care Before, During & After

In-Office Hysteroscopy Surgery: Tools, Techniques & Post-Op Care

In-Office Nasal Airway Obstruction Surgery

In-Office Salivary Stone Removal

In-Office Sinus Surgery for Nasal Obstruction

In-Office Turbinate Reduction Surgery

Inari FlowTriever for a Successful Mechanical Thrombectomy

Incorporating Office-Based Rhinology into Your Practice

Indwelling Catheter Overview

Infant Feeding Difficulties: Diagnostic & Therapeutic Interventions

Infant Laryngomalacia: Diagnosis, Clinical Management & Advanced Therapies

Innovations in Cerebral Aneurysm Management: From Concept to Reality

Integrating Oral Testosterone Replacement Therapy into Clinical Practice

Internal vs External Nasal Valve Collapse

Interstitial Cystitis & Endometriosis: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Interstitial Cystitis: Etiology, Diagnosis & Treatment

Intracranial Complications of Acute Sinusitis: Examination, Treatment & Prevention

Intraoperative Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease

Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Consensus Guidelines

Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Imaging: Benefits & Drawbacks

Is Vaginal Estrogen Safe? Considerations for Special Patient Populations

Isthmocele Repair: Counseling, Surgical Techniques & Complications

IVUS for Arterial and Venous Disease

PAE Procedure Workup: The Role of Uroflow and Pre-Procedural Imaging

PAE Prostate Procedure: The Case for Early Intervention

Palliative Effects and Risk Reduction Using Radiofrequency Ablation with Cementoplasty

Parathyroid Disease Diagnosis, Symptoms, & Surgical Criteria

Parathyroidectomy Surgery Technique: Expert Advice for Optimal Outcomes

Pathway to Cochlear Implant Candidacy for Congenital Hearing Loss

Patient Selection and Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Patient Selection for a TIPS Procedure

Patient Selection for EndoAVF

Patulous Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Presentation & Treatment

PCNL Nephrostomy Tube Placement For Kidney Stones

PCNL Surgery Procedure Steps & Techniques

Pearls for Using the Inari RevCore Device in Venous Stent Occlusions

Pedal Access Tools, Techniques & Tips

Pediatric Cochlear Implant Risks, Complications & Counseling

Pediatric Cochlear Implants: Candidacy, Diagnosis, & Mapping

Pediatric Dysphagia: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

Pediatric FEES: Protocols, Feeders & Ergonomics in Cardiac Care

Pediatric Intracapsular Tonsillectomy: Benefits of Retaining Minimal Tonsillar Tissue

Pediatric Skull Base Surgery: New Technologies & Techniques

Pediatric Sleep Apnea Diagnosis & Imaging: Collaboration is Key

Pediatric Sleep Apnea Surgery Options & Emerging Technologies

Pediatric Sleep Apnea Treatment: Managing Complex Cases

Pediatric Tympanic Membrane Perforation: Operative & Non-Operative Management

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Treatment

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Practice

Pelvic Organ Prolapse & Stress Urinary Incontinence: Surgery vs Conservative Management

Penile Implant Infection Signs & Treatment

Penile Implant Surgery in Patients with Chronic Priapism

Penis Implant Surgery Pain, Care, & Recovery

Percutaneous Nephrostomy for a Dilated Collecting System

Percutaneous Nephrostomy for a Non-Dilated Collecting System

Perineal Tear Risk Factors, Preventative Strategies & Surgical Pearls

Perioperative Management for Vertebral Augmentation Procedures

Peripartum Pelvic Floor Disorders: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Periprocedural Pearls in Iliofemoral Stenting: Focus on Pre- & Post-Care

Peyronie’s Disease Surgery for Penile Implants

Placenta Accreta Spectrum Overview

Planning for HCC Radiation Segmentectomy: Mapping, Margins & Dosage

Planning Free Flap Surgery: Patient Counseling, History-Taking & Imaging

Pleural & Parenchymal Blood Patching Techniques in Lung Biopsy

Port Removal Surgery: Ins and Outs

Port Removal Surgery: Strategies for Difficult Cases & Infected Ports

Portal Hypertension and Ascites Management

Postpartum Hemorrhage Management Guide

Preparing Patients for Awake Spine Surgery: What to Expect Before, During & After

Pressure-Directed Therapy for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)

Preventing Contrast Allergies: Education, Protocols & Premedication

Principles of Pressure Directed Therapy with Y90 Radioembolization in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)

Procedural Equipment for Treating Peripheral Arterial Disease

Procedure Guide: Cryoablation for Painful Bone Metastases

Procedure Kit For Pressure Directed Therapy in Y90 Radioembolization of HCC

Pros & Cons of the Argon Cleaner Thrombectomy System for Dialysis Access Declots

Prostate Artery Embolization Anatomy

Prostate Artery Embolization Side Effects

Prostate Artery Embolization Technique: Advantages of Radial vs Femoral

Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance: Who, When & How

Prostate Cancer Focal Therapy: Who is the Ideal Patient?

Prostate Cancer Surgery vs Radiation

Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) Microcatheter Selection

Prostatic Artery Embolization: Standardization of Advanced Techniques

Providing Gender-Affirming Care with Facial Feminization Surgery

Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction & Performance Anxiety

Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis & Imaging

Pulmonary Embolism Interventions

Pulmonary Embolism Treatment and the Use of Mechanical Thrombectomy

Radial Access 101 with Dr. Aaron Fischman

Radial Closure Devices

Radiation Therapy for High-Risk Prostate Cancer: Which Modality is Best?

Radiofrequency Ablation for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Radiofrequency Ablation of Spinal Metastases: Patient Selection, Goals of Therapy, Follow-Up Care

Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer: Patient Candidacy & Potential Complications

Rationale for Use of Radial vs. Femoral Access in Oncologic Embolization Procedures

Ready, Aim, Ablate: Liver Ablation Procedure Techniques

Ready, Aim, Ablate: Optimizing the Liver Ablation Zone

Recommendations for BCG-Unresponsive Bladder Cancer

Rectal Spacer Placement in Prostate Cancer: A Procedural Guide

Rectal Spacer Placement: Who Is The Ideal Patient?

Renal Artery Embolization Procedure in Trauma

Renal Trauma: Biopsy Risks, Imaging Techniques & Treatment Options

Rethinking RhoGAM Administration Guidelines

Rethinking Testosterone Therapy in Prostate Cancer Survivors: An Early Look at Positive Clinical Trial Data

Retrograde Pedal Access Collaboration, Case Selection & Benefits

Retropharyngeal Abscess in Children: Symptoms, Physical Exam & Diagnostic Imaging

Retropharyngeal Abscess Treatment: Antibiotics, Steroids & Surgery

Rezum Post-Procedure: Symptoms, Recovery, & Medications

Rezum Procedure Complications & Recovery

Rezum Prostate Procedure Technique: ‘Less is More’

Rezum Treatment for BPH: Who Is The Ideal Patient?

RhoGAM & Its Role in Pregnancy & Miscarriage

Rising Endometrial Cancer Incidence: What’s Causing the Increase?

Robot-Assisted Cochlear Implant Surgery

Rock Solid: Procedural Considerations for In-Office Sialolithiasis Treatment

Salivary Stones: Patient Workup for In-Office Management

Setting Expectations for Pain Relief and Recovery After Vertebral Augmentation

Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy Treatment Algorithm & Technical Success

Shorter Declot Procedure Time Using the Argon Cleaner Thrombectomy System

Single-Sided Deafness in Children

Sinusitis and Nasal Polyp Medical Treatments

SINUVA vs PROPEL: Localized Drug Delivery After Sinus Surgery

Sodium & Stone Formation: A Fluid Approach to Kidney Stone Prevention

Special Topics in UTIs: Indwelling Catheter Colonization, Catheter UTI Treatment, Urosepsis & Antibiotic Resistance

Spinal Therapies with Dr. Peder Horner

Splenic Artery Embolization Procedure Considerations

Splenic Embolization Procedure

Splenic Trauma Grading & Management

Staying Balanced: Management of Labyrinthitis Symptoms

Stent Retrievers, Aspiration Catheters & Promising New Devices for Stroke Thrombectomy

Strategies to Support Children Living with Hearing Loss

Stress, Urgency, Mixed or Overflow? Diagnosing the Different Types of Urinary Incontinence in Females

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Treatment

Suprapubic Catheter Indications, Care & Management

Surgery for Peyronie’s Disease: Weighing the Options

Surgical Interventions for Kidney Stones While Pregnant

Surgical Management of Acute Sinusitis with Intracranial Complications

Surgical Management of Fibroids: Myomectomy vs Radiofrequency Ablation

Surgical Management of the Plunging Ranula

Surgical Treatment of Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma

Syndromes Associated with Cleft Lip and Palate: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Synkinesis Explained: A Facial Plastics Perspective

Synkinesis Treatment: Surgery, Exercises, Botox & More

TACE Versus Radioablation in the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)

Tacks vs Stents For Arterial Dissection Treatment

Taking a Multidisciplinary Approach to Peripheral Arterial Disease

Testicular Cancer and Fertility After Orchiectomy

Testicular Pain Treatment: Medical, Surgical & Musculoskeletal Approaches

Testosterone and Prostate Cancer: Testing & Treatment Modalities

Testosterone Deficiency & Replacement: Endogenous vs Exogenous Therapies

The Advantages of Auryon Laser Atherectomy in Calcified Arteries

The Basics of Gender Affirming Surgery

The Contemporary Role of Alginates for Reflux

The Current State of Focused Ultrasound Indications: Essential Tremor, Parkinson's & Bone Metastases

The Development of Biodegradable Flow Diverters for Cerebral Aneurysm Treatment

The Emerging Role of Interventional Radiology in Cancer Pain Management

The Evolution of Endometrial Ablation: From YAG Lasers to Cerene Cryoablation

The Evolution of Hysteroscopy: Past, Present & Future

The Evolving Role of Lymphangiography in Interventional Radiology

The Finer Points of Microtia Ear Surgery

The Functional Impact of Infant Dysphagia

The Fundamentals of Managing Venous Stent Rethrombosis

The Future of Radiation Segmentectomy: New Tech, Tumor Markers & Indications

The Greater Impact of Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) on Quality of Life

The How-To of Thyroid Radiofrequency Ablation: Procedure Technique & Post-Procedure Management

The iotaMotion Story: Improving Cochlear Implant Surgery

The Lean Methodology in Healthcare: Implementation, Improvement & Measuring Success

The Many Presentations of Fungal Sinusitis

The Microbiome & Its Effects on Human Health

The Modern Role of Genomics & Imaging in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment

The MOTION Study: Evaluating Cryoablation for Painful Bone Metastases

The NeuWave Microwave Ablation System: A Guide for IRs

The NOPAIN Act: Improving Access to Non-Opioid Pain Medications

The Plunging Ranula: Pathophysiology & Workup

The Role of Facial Masculinization in Gender-Affirming Care

The Role of Micro-CT in Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

The Role of Serration Angioplasty in Peripheral Artery Disease

The Role of Testosterone in Hypogonadism

The Role of the Microbiome in Gynecological Disorders

The Serranator Balloon: Tips for Successful Operation

The Sistrunk Procedure: A Step by Step Guide to Thyroglossal Duct Cyst Surgery

The VivAer Treatment: Procedure Technique & Anesthesia Protocol

Thoracic Endometriosis Diagnosis: Identification & Evaluation

Thoracic Endometriosis Treatment: A Multi-Faceted Approach

Thyroglossal Duct Cysts: Patient Presentation & Treatment Decision-Making

Thyroid Ablation: Expanding Treatment Options with Radiofrequency

Thyroid Imaging: What is the “Gold Standard” for Thyroid Nodules?

Thyroid Radiofrequency Ablation: A Practical Guide for Otolaryngologists

Tips & Tricks for AV Fistula & Graft Declots

Tips and Techniques For Over-The-Wire IVC Filter Placement

Tips and Techniques for Spinal Ablation

Tonsil Regrowth After Intracapsular Tonsillectomy

Tools & Techniques in Iliofemoral Stenting

Tools and Technical Tips for TIPS

Tools and Techniques for Treating Chronic Venous Obstruction

Tools for Prostate Cancer Screening & Risk Stratification

Trace Orthopedics Partial Tendon Tear Repair: From Home Depot to the OR

Transcervical Fibroid Ablation: Advancements in Uterine Fibroid Treatment

Transperineal Prostate Biopsy Tools, Equipment & Instruments

Transperineal Prostate Biopsy: A Practical Guide to Procedural Success

Treating Eustachian Tube Dysfunction with Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation

Treating Nasal Valve Obstruction: The VivAer Procedure Explained

Treating Otologic Conditions as Otologic Migraines

Treating Tongue Tie: Evaluation of the Mother-Baby Dyad

Treatment of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

TULSA Procuedre for Prostate Cancer: A Practical Guide

TULSA Prostate Treatment

Tumor Thrombus & Budd Chiari Syndrome in Kidney Cancer

TURBT Procedure for Bladder Cancer

Tympanoplasty 101: How to Fix a Tympanic Membrane Perforation

Type 1 Laryngeal Cleft Repair


Aaron Schneider, PharmD

Aaron Weeks

Adam Block, Ph.D

Alisha Hawrylack

Amanda Stanley, RN, BSN, CNOR

Andrew Struchen

Anirban Lahiri

Anish Parikh

Anish Parikh

Ashley Brown, SLP

Dr. Aarathi Cholkeri-Singh

Dr. Aaron Brandis

Dr. Aaron Bress

Dr. Aaron Fischman

Dr. Aaron Fritts

Dr. Aaron Fritts

Dr. Aaron Fritts

Dr. Aaron Fritts

Dr. Aaron Fritts

Dr. Aaron Fritts

Dr. Aaron Kovaleski

Dr. Aaron Shiloh

Dr. Aarti Luhar

Dr. Abdulaziz Alharbi

Dr. Abhishek Nagaraj

Dr. Abraham Morgentaler

Dr. Achal Sahai

Dr. Adam Burgoyne

Dr. Adam Luginbuhl

Dr. Adam Raskin

Dr. Adam Tanious

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia

Dr. Adnan Qureshi

Dr. Adriana Vega

Dr. Ahmed Kamel

Dr. AJ Gunn

Dr. Al Merati

Dr. Alain Sabri

Dr. Alan Matsumoto

Dr. Alan Sag

Dr. Alan Sag

Dr. Alana Desai

Dr. Alana Desai

Dr. Alberto Alonso

Dr. Alejandro Mejia

Dr. Alejandro Rivas

Dr. Alex Barnacle

Dr. Alex Kim

Dr. Alex Pavidapha

Dr. Alex Tatem

Dr. Alexa Levey

Dr. Alexa Levey

Dr. Alexander Chiu

Dr. Alexander Kutikov

Dr. Alexander Langerman

Dr. Alexander Langerman

Dr. Alexander Ushinsky

Dr. Alexander Vezeridis

Dr. Alexandra Haessler

Dr. Alexandra Haessler

Dr. Alexandra Melnyk

Dr. Ali Alikhani

Dr. Ali Golshan

Dr. Ali Golshan

Dr. Ali Kasraeian

Dr. Alim Mitha

Dr. Alim Mitha

Dr. Alireza Ghoreifi

Dr. Allison Royer

Dr. Alok Sharan

Dr. Alok Sharan

Dr. Amal Isaiah

Dr. Amanda Fader

Dr. Amanda North

Dr. Amanda Stapleton

Dr. Amar Kishan

Dr. Amber Luong

Dr. Ameer Hassan

Dr. Amir Lavaf

Dr. Amir Lavaf

Dr. Amir Salmasi

Dr. Amit Gupta

Dr. Amit Patel

Dr. Amit Srivastava

Dr. Amy Park

Dr. Amy Park

Dr. Amy Pearlman

Dr. Amy Taylor

Dr. Ana Fernandez Martinez

Dr. Ana Fernandez Martinez

Dr. Anahita Dua

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Dr. Andrea Apolo

Dr. Andrea Necchi

Dr. Andrew Day

Dr. Andrew Harris

Dr. Andrew Sholl

Dr. Andrew Sun

Dr. Andrew Tompkins

Dr. Andrew Winer

Dr. Aneesa Majid

Dr. Angela Chaudhari

Dr. Angelo Marino

Dr. Angie Smith

Dr. Anita Jeyakumar

Dr. Ankur Aggarwal

Dr. Anna Alguersuari Cabiscol

Dr. Anne Cameron

Dr. Anne Cameron

Dr. Anne Schuckman

Dr. Annie Wang

Dr. Ansaar Rai

Dr. Anthony Brown

Dr. Anthony Brown

Dr. Anthony Chang

Dr. Anthony Law

Dr. Anthony Shanks

Dr. Anthony Shanks

Dr. Anthony Sheyn

Dr. Anushka Gaglani

Dr. Aparna Baheti

Dr. Aparna Baheti

Dr. Aparna Baheti

Dr. Aparna Baheti

Dr. Aravind Arepally

Dr. Aravind Arepally

Dr. Ari Hakimi

Dr. Ari Isaacson

Dr. Ari Kramer

Dr. Arnold Advincula

Dr. Aron Chary

Dr. Aron Chary

Dr. Arpeet Shah

Dr. Arpit Davé

Dr. Arthur Caire

Dr. Arun Jagannathan

Dr. Arvin George

Dr. Ashish Kamat

Dr. Ashleigh Halderman

Dr. Ashley Agan

Dr. Ashley Agan

Dr. Ashley Ross

Dr. Ashley Sikand

Dr. Ashley Winter

Dr. Atul Gupta

Dr. Atul Gupta

Dr. August Ysa

Dr. Austin Bourgeois

Dr. Ayanna Bennett

Dr. Ayanna Bennett

Dr. Ayanna Bennett

Dr. Ayesha Khalid

Dr. Azza Naif

Dr. J. Brantley Thrasher

Dr. Jack Jennings

Dr. Jack Jennings

Dr. Jack McAninch

Dr. Jacob Bundy

Dr. Jacob Cynamon

Dr. Jacob Fleming

Dr. Jacob Fleming

Dr. Jacob Hunter

Dr. Jafar Golzarian

Dr. Jamal Jefferson

Dr. Jamal Mourad

Dr. James Caridi

Dr. James Dahle

Dr. James Dahle

Dr. James Eastham

Dr. James McKiernan

Dr. James Mitchell

Dr. James Smith

Dr. Jamil Muasher

Dr. Jamil Muasher

Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt

Dr. Jan Baekelandt

Dr. Jane van Dis

Dr. Janice Newsome

Dr. Jaschar Shakuri-Rad

Dr. Jaschar Shakuri-Rad

Dr. Jason Cox

Dr. Jason Cox

Dr. Jason Hoffmann

Dr. Jason Iannuccilli

Dr. Jason Iannuccilli

Dr. Jason Levy

Dr. Jason Levy

Dr. Jason Wagner

Dr. Jason Wynberg

Dr. Javan Nation

Dr. Jawad Hussain

Dr. Jay Raman

Dr. Jay Shah

Dr. Jay Simhan

Dr. Jayakar Nayak

Dr. Jayson Brower

Dr. Jed Grisel

Dr. Jeff Bodner

Dr. Jeff C. Rastatter

Dr. Jeff Cadeddu

Dr. Jeff Tosoian

Dr. Jeffery Carr

Dr. Jeffrey Chick

Dr. Jeffrey Hull

Dr. Jeffrey Hull

Dr. Jeffrey Suh

Dr. Jenanan Vairavamurthy

Dr. Jennifer Anger

Dr. Jennifer Berumen

Dr. Jennifer Lavin

Dr. Jennifer Villwock

Dr. Jens Andersson

Dr. Jeremias Tan

Dr. Jessica Branham

Dr. Jessica Jones

Dr. Jessica Lee

Dr. Jessica Ritch

Dr. Jihad Mustapha

Dr. Jill Buckley

Dr. Jill D'Souza

Dr. Jim Marino

Dr. Jim Melton

Dr. Jocelyn Fitzgerald

Dr. Jodi Antonelli

Dr. Joe Walter Kutz

Dr. John Carter

Dr. John Craig

Dr. John Fritz Angle

Dr. John House

Dr. John Lipman

Dr. John Martin

Dr. John Martin

Dr. John Martinie

Dr. John Matson

Dr. John McClay

Dr. John Michels

Dr. John Michels

Dr. John Moriarty

Dr. John Park

Dr. John Pavlus

Dr. John Phillips

Dr. John Qiao

Dr. John Qiao

Dr. John Racadio

Dr. John Rundback

Dr. John Seal

Dr. John Smirniotopoulos

Dr. John Smirniotopoulos

Dr. Johnny Yi

Dr. Jon Jacobson

Dr. Jonathan Clavell

Dr. Jonathan Gross

Dr. Jonathan Ida

Dr. Jonathan Mizrahi

Dr. Jonathan Paul

Dr. Jonathan Paul

Dr. Jordan Grant

Dr. Jordan Luskin

Dr. Jordan Schramm

Dr. Jorge Carillo

Dr. Jos van den Berg

Dr. Jose Saaveedra

Dr. Jose Silva

Dr. Jose Silva

Dr. Jose Silva

Dr. Joseph Couvillon

Dr. Josh Kuban

Dr. Josh Langston

Dr. Joshua Hirsch

Dr. José Andrés Guirola Ortíz

Dr. Juan Chiosone

Dr. Juan Gimenez

Dr. Juan Javier-DesLoges

Dr. Juan Jose Ciampi Dopazo

Dr. Judy Gichoya

Dr. Julia Geynisman-Tan

Dr. Julie Riley

Dr. Julie Wei

Dr. Julie Wei

Dr. Julie Wei

Dr. Julie Zaetta

Dr. Julio Palmaz

Dr. Julio Palmaz

Dr. Junjian Huang

Dr. Justin Barad

Dr. Justin Dubin

Dr. Justin Guan

Dr. Justin Lee

Jason Greis

Jason Newton, Esq

Jill Sommerset, RVT, FSVU

Jillian Angeline

Dr. Madan Kandula

Dr. Mahmood Razavi

Dr. Mahmood Razavi

Dr. Mai Thy Truong

Dr. Maite Velazquez

Dr. Majid Khan

Dr. Majid Khan

Dr. Mani Menon

Dr. Manoj Monga

Dr. Mara Holton

Dr. Marc Bennett

Dr. Marc Goldstein

Dr. Marc Sapoval

Dr. Marcelo Guimaraes

Dr. Margaret Mueller

Dr. Margaret Pearle

Dr. Mark Courey

Dr. Mark Garcia

Dr. Mark Gerber

Dr. Mark Hoffman

Dr. Mark Hoffman

Dr. Mark Lessne

Dr. Mark Little

Dr. Mark Little

Dr. Mark Meissner

Dr. Mark Royer

Dr. Mark Williams

Dr. Mark Wilson

Dr. Marlan Hansen

Dr. Marlan Hansen

Dr. Marnix van Holsbeeck

Dr. Marta Lobato

Dr. Martin Radvany

Dr. Martin Schroeder

Dr. Mary Ashmead

Dr. Mary Costantino

Dr. María Luisa Die Trill

Dr. Mas Takashima

Dr. Mathew Leonardi

Dr. Matt Gounis

Dr. Matt Raynor

Dr. Matt Reeves

Dr. Matthew Allaway

Dr. Matthew Allaway

Dr. Matthew Allaway

Dr. Matthew Bromwich

Dr. Matthew Carlson

Dr. Matthew Cooperberg

Dr. Matthew Hensler

Dr. Matthew Lungren

Dr. Matthew Lungren

Dr. Matthew Nielsen

Dr. Matthew Powell

Dr. Matthew Ryan

Dr. Maureen Kohi

Dr. Max Bowman

Dr. Maya Hammoud

Dr. Mazin Foteh

Dr. Megan Durr

Dr. Mehdi Rezavi

Dr. Melanie Sulistio

Dr. Melissa Wong

Dr. Merve Ozen

Dr. Michael Barraza

Dr. Michael Barraza

Dr. Michael Cumming

Dr. Michael Dake

Dr. Michael Dake

Dr. Michael Miller

Dr. Michael Rutter

Dr. Michael Rutter

Dr. Michael Seidman

Dr. Michael Singer

Dr. Michael Soulen

Dr. Michael Weber

Dr. Michelle Leach

Dr. Michelle Liu

Dr. Miguel Montero-Baker

Dr. Mihir Patel

Dr. Mihir Shah

Dr. Mike Devane

Dr. Mike Hsieh

Dr. Mike Watts

Dr. Mina Makary

Dr. Minhaj Khaja

Dr. Minhaj Siddiqui

Dr. Mohit Khera

Dr. Moustafa Mourad

Dr. Muneeb Ahmed

Dr. Myriam Loyo Li

Marc McGuire

Margaret Simor

Mark Goldberg, LCMFT, CST

Marshall Gifford

Matthew Johnston, PT

Michael Johnson Jr. Esq

Dr. S. Jay Mathews

Dr. Saahil Mehta

Dr. Sabeen Dhand

Dr. Sabeen Dhand

Dr. Sabeen Dhand

Dr. Sabeen Dhand

Dr. Sabeen Dhand

Dr. Saher Sabri

Dr. Sahil Mehta

Dr. Sahil Parikh

Dr. Sam Chang

Dr. Sam Mouli

Dr. Sameh Sayfo

Dr. Samir Shah

Dr. Sanam Ladi Seyedian

Dr. Sandeep Bagla

Dr. Sandeep Bagla

Dr. Sandeep Bagla

Dr. Sanjay Kulkarni

Dr. Sara Lojo Lendoiro

Dr. Sara Psutka

Dr. Sarah Bowe

Dr. Sarah Boyles

Dr. Sarah Boyles

Dr. Sarah Cohen Rassier

Dr. Sarah Cordingley

Dr. Sarah Saxon

Dr. Sarah White

Dr. Sarel Gaur

Dr. Satoshi Tateshima

Dr. Satyaki Banerjee

Dr. Saud Ahmed

Dr. Scott Eggener

Dr. Scott Fortune

Dr. Sean Hislop

Dr. Sean Lyden

Dr. Sean Maratto

Dr. Sean Tutton

Dr. Sean Tutton

Dr. Sebouh Gueyikian

Dr. Seilesh Babu

Dr. Serafín Sánchez

Dr. Seth Bechis

Dr. Seth Cohen

Dr. Seth Dailey

Dr. Seth Paul Lerner

Dr. Shahrokh Shariat

Dr. Shamit Desai

Dr. Shamit Desai

Dr. Shankar Rajeswaran

Dr. Shankar Rajeswaran

Dr. Shankar Siva

Dr. Shanti Mohling

Dr. Shawn West

Dr. Shelagh Cofer

Dr. Shelby Bennett

Dr. Shelly Bhanot

Dr. Shiayin Yang

Dr. Shumon Dhar

Dr. Siamak Daneshmand

Dr. Siddharth Padia

Dr. Siobhan Flanagan

Dr. Soham Roy

Dr. Sohit Kanotra

Dr. Spencer Hiller

Dr. Spencer Payne

Dr. Srini Tummala

Dr. Stacy Loeb

Dr. Stan McClurg

Dr. Starr Hampton

Dr. Stephanie Pearson

Dr. Stephanie Pearson

Dr. Stephen Hunt

Dr. Stephen Hunt

Dr. Stephen Nakada

Dr. Stephen Pomeranz

Dr. Stephen Schoeff

Dr. Stephen Wang

Dr. Steve Hudak

Dr. Steven Abramowitz

Dr. Steven Goudy

Dr. Steven Goudy

Dr. Steven McCarus

Dr. Steven Raman

Dr. Steven Smith

Dr. Steven Yevich

Dr. Steven Yevich

Dr. Steven Young

Dr. Sujana Chandrasekhar

Dr. Sumanta Pal

Dr. Sunil Verma

Dr. Susan Khalil

Dr. Suzanne Cole

Dr. Suzanne Merril

Dr. Suzette Sutherland

Dr. Suzette Sutherland

Dr. Suzie Bash

Dr. Syed Hussain

Sam Glassenberg

Sara Quintana MS, CCC-SLP

Sarah Schneider MS, CCC-SLP

Scott Becker

Shane Snowdon

Shiv Gaglani

Sunny Murthy

Susan Jackson

Suzanne Martin

