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BackTable / Urology / Podcast / Episode #129

Navigating Postgraduate Training in Urology as an International Medical Graduate

with Dr. Sanam Ladi Seyedian and Dr. Alireza Ghoreifi

This week on BackTable Urology, Dr. Hooman Djaladat (USC Keck School of Medicine), ​​Dr. Sanam Ladi Seyedian (Vanderbilt University Medical Center), and Dr. Alireza Ghoreifi (USC Keck School of Medicine) explore the different pathways to higher education in urology in the US for international medical graduates.

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Navigating Postgraduate Training in Urology as an International Medical Graduate with Dr. Sanam Ladi Seyedian and Dr. Alireza Ghoreifi on the BackTable Urology Podcast)
Ep 129 Navigating Postgraduate Training in Urology as an International Medical Graduate with Dr. Sanam Ladi Seyedian and Dr. Alireza Ghoreifi
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2023, October 20). Ep. 129 – Navigating Postgraduate Training in Urology as an International Medical Graduate [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Sanam Ladi Seyedian discusses Navigating Postgraduate Training in Urology as an International Medical Graduate on the BackTable 129 Podcast

Dr. Sanam Ladi Seyedian

Dr. Sanam Ladi Seyedian is a postdoctoral research fellow at University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

Dr. Alireza Ghoreifi discusses Navigating Postgraduate Training in Urology as an International Medical Graduate on the BackTable 129 Podcast

Dr. Alireza Ghoreifi

Dr. Alireza Ghoreifi is a research fellow of urologic oncology with the Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center at University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

Dr. Hooman Djaladat discusses Navigating Postgraduate Training in Urology as an International Medical Graduate on the BackTable 129 Podcast

Dr. Hooman Djaladat

Dr. Hooman Djaladat is a urologic oncologist and professor of urology at Keck Medicine of USC in Los Angeles, California.


First, the doctors discuss the challenges that international medical graduates (IMGs) face when transitioning to the US for higher education in urology. Knowing oneself and having a purpose are important, as well as preparing for the financial and cultural challenges that come with the transition. They also examine the role of age, mentorship, team work, and preparation in pursuing a training program in the United States. Mentors and advisors can help applicants be aware of the requirements for a full license needed to do research and practice medicine abroad. Additionally, they stress the importance of being open to new experiences, gaining cultural competency, and developing professional skills.

Finally, they wrap up by highlighting the importance of asking for and receiving feedback. They share their personal strategies that they have found helpful in their own journeys, as well as the importance of self-reflection and growth.

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