BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #344
SIR Global IR Training Network
with Dr. Justin Guan
In this episode, Dr. Michael Barraza interviews Dr. Justin Guan about the SIR Global IR training network.
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BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2023, July 14). Ep. 344 – SIR Global IR Training Network [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
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Podcast Contributors
Dr. Justin Guan
Dr. Justin Guan is an interventional radiologist at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
Dr. Michael Barraza
Dr. Michael Barraza is a practicing interventional radiologist (and all around great guy) with Radiology Associates in Baton Rouge, LA.
Dr. Guan starts the episode by discussing the IR program at the Cleveland Clinic, where the large case volume enables their trainees to get their pick about what types of cases they want to do. Dr. Guan then mentions his recent trip to Seoul, Korea for the Asia Pacific IR conference and discusses how he learned about new IR techniques that have not made their way into the mainstream yet. Dr. Guan highlights how the SIR Global training network was created due to a need for an entity that could globally spread IR education. He believes that there are insufficient training opportunities worldwide, and even within the countries that have these opportunities, there is a huge variation in IR training.
Then, Dr. Guan highlights initiatives that the SIR Global training network is trying to implement and their current challenges. These challenges include insufficient IR services worldwide, a lack of public awareness about IR procedures, and a lack of data about differences in IR training across different countries. One initiative aimed to address these challenges is the Global IR Juniors summits, which recently got approval to be held at the SIR conference. At this summit, IRs from around the world discuss what updates and new research from their respective IR societies.. Dr. Guan also discusses how they are currently working on the Global Training Network, which will be a database of different IR physicians to provide opportunities for observership and mentorship and it will serve as a hub for a clinical exchange of IR knowledge worldwide.
Public Awareness of Interventional Radiology: Population-Based Analysis of the Current State of and Pathways for Improvement:
Global Assessment of the Status of Interventional Radiology:
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