BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #184
Mentorship: Buzzword or Benefit?
with Dr. Robert Vogelzang
In this episode, our host Dr. Eric J. Keller interviews his longtime mentor, interventional radiologist Dr. Bob Vogelzang about the evolution of their mentor mentee relationship overtime and ways to create benefits for both mentors and mentees.
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BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2022, February 4). Ep. 184 – Mentorship: Buzzword or Benefit? [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
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Podcast Contributors
Dr. Robert Vogelzang
Dr. Robert L. Vogelzang is a Nemcek Professor of Interventional Radiology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.
Dr. Eric J. Keller
Dr. Eric J. Keller is an interventional radiologist at Delaney Radiology in southeastern North Carolina.
A common idea throughout this episode is that no single definition of mentorship exists. Dr. Vogelzang highlights the importance of a flat structure, in which the mentee and the mentor feel comfortable to ask questions and explore an area of shared interest. Dr. Keller emphasizes the reality that mentoring relationships will grow and change with career development and geographic relocation.
Overall, both doctors agree that an effective mentoring relationship should be driven by feasible projects that motivate both parties.
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