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BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #131

Novel Treatment of Unicameral & Aneurysmal Bone Cysts

with Dr. Shankar Rajeswaran

Dr. Sabeen Dhand chats with Interventional Radiologist Shankar Rajeswaran from Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago about a novel minimally invasive treatment of unicameral and aneurysmal bone cysts.

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Novel Treatment of Unicameral & Aneurysmal Bone Cysts with Dr. Shankar Rajeswaran on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Ep 131 Novel Treatment of Unicameral & Aneurysmal Bone Cysts with Dr. Shankar Rajeswaran
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2021, June 7). Ep. 131 – Novel Treatment of Unicameral & Aneurysmal Bone Cysts [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Dr. Shankar Rajeswaran discusses Novel Treatment of Unicameral & Aneurysmal Bone Cysts on the BackTable 131 Podcast

Dr. Shankar Rajeswaran

Dr. Shankar Rajeswaran is the Division Head of Pediatric Interventional Radiology at Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago.

Dr. Sabeen Dhand discusses Novel Treatment of Unicameral & Aneurysmal Bone Cysts on the BackTable 131 Podcast

Dr. Sabeen Dhand

Dr. Sabeen Dhand is a practicing interventional radiologist with PIH Health in Los Angeles.


In this episode, pediatric interventional radiologist Dr. Shankar Rajeswaran joins host Dr. Sabeen Dhand to discuss a novel minimally-invasive treatment for unicameral and aneurysmal bone cysts.

Pediatric interventional radiology is a rapidly growing field, and Dr. Rajeswaran describes how it has evolved in complexity and innovation over the course of his career. Dr. Rajeswaran says that there is a significant challenge that pediatric IRs must overcome-- treating children with IR devices that were originally designed to be used in adults. As a result, he emphasizes the need for creativity and flexibility in this field.

Next, we define and differentiate between unicameral and aneurysmal bone cysts. Both can be benign; however, they carry the risk of causing pain, bone fracture, and growth deformities. Dr. Rajeswaran outlines the current standard of care, which includes monitoring and curettage and bone grafting. Then, he describes a new method of treatment, which involves needle injection of doxycycline to burn the walls of the cyst and bone paste to help generate new bone. This method can be applied to unicameral bone cysts and aneurysmal bone cysts, and it leaves no scarring. He also discusses the recurrence rate for various treatment methods.

Overall, Dr. Rajeswaran encourages anyone interested in pediatric IR to reach out to doctors in the field for shadowing opportunities and guidance.


Society for Pediatric Interventional Radiology:

Lurie Children’s Hospital blog article over novel treatment of bone cysts:

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Aneurysmal Bone Cyst Procedure Prep
Bone Cysts Condition Overview
Learn about Pediatric Interventional Radiology on BackTable VI
Unicameral Bone Cyst Condition Overview

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