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BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #205

Update on Reimbursement Cuts for the OBL/ASC

with Dr. Jim Melton and Dr. Blake Parsons

In this episode Vascular Surgeon Jim Melton and Interventional Radiologist Blake Parsons give us the lay of the land on recent reimbursement cuts in the OBL/ASC space, including peripheral artery disease treatments and embolization procedures, as well as projections of what to expect in the next few years.

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Update on Reimbursement Cuts for the OBL/ASC with Dr. Jim Melton and Dr. Blake Parsons on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Ep 205 Update on Reimbursement Cuts for the OBL/ASC with Dr. Jim Melton and Dr. Blake Parsons
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2022, May 6). Ep. 205 – Update on Reimbursement Cuts for the OBL/ASC [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Jim Melton discusses Update on Reimbursement Cuts for the OBL/ASC on the BackTable 205 Podcast

Dr. Jim Melton

Dr. Jim Melton is a practicing Vascular Surgery Specialist in Oklahoma City.

Dr. Blake Parsons discusses Update on Reimbursement Cuts for the OBL/ASC on the BackTable 205 Podcast

Dr. Blake Parsons

Dr. Blake Parsons is a practicing Interventional Radiologist in Oklahoma City.

Dr. Aaron Fritts discusses Update on Reimbursement Cuts for the OBL/ASC on the BackTable 205 Podcast

Dr. Aaron Fritts

Dr. Aaron Fritts is a Co-Founder of BackTable and a practicing interventional radiologist in Dallas, Texas.


In this episode, host Dr. Aaron Fritts interviews interventional radiologist Dr. Blake Parsons and vascular surgeon Dr. Jim Melton about navigating recent Medicaid reimbursement cuts in their hybrid Office Based Lab (OBL) and Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC), CardioVascular Health Clinic. This episode largely follows a question and answer format, where our guests respond to previously-submitted audience questions.

The guests start by outlining recent vascular surgery and interventional radiology reimbursement cuts from 2022, as well as sharing information on future cuts through 2026. Most cuts are PAD-focused, but they also include pain management procedures like kyphoplasty. Dr. Parsons advises IRs to think about diversifying their practices to encompass procedures outside of PAD. He summarizes the average profits generated in various types of IR cases. He also predicts that there will be more reimbursement cuts on embolization cases, as prostate and geniculate embolizations become more popular. To protect profit margins by means of cost reduction, the doctors negotiate with vendor pricing and try to leverage disposables against capital.

Dr. Melton describes the current political landscape and physician advocacy efforts. While industry has started to position themselves to help advocate for OBLs and ASCs, Dr. Melton believes that industry and physicians should be more politically active. He encourages physicians to get involved with their medical societies and reach out to local representatives and senators in order to highlight the benefits of patient care in an OBL/ASC setting– faster recovery, lower risk of infection, and overall lower cost for the healthcare system.


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Learn about Reimbursement on BackTable VI

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