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BackTable / VI / Podcast / Health Equity #3

Historical Origins of Health Inequities

with Dante King

Dr. Vishal Kumar talks with special guest Dante D. King about some of the historical origins of health inequities, and persistent biases we see in our healthcare settings today. *Trigger Warning: Sexual assault is mentioned from 9:29-17:30.

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Historical Origins of Health Inequities with Dante King on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Historical Origins of Health Inequities
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2022, April 22). Ep. health-equity-03 – Historical Origins of Health Inequities [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Dante King discusses Historical Origins of Health Inequities on the BackTable health-equity-03 Podcast

Dante King

Dante King is an author, historian, scholar, thought-leader, facilitator, and coach. He is also a human resource professional, specializing in the implementation of anti-racist practice, organizational development and change.

Dr. Vishal Kumar discusses Historical Origins of Health Inequities on the BackTable health-equity-03 Podcast

Dr. Vishal Kumar

Dr. Vishal Kumar is an interventional radiologist with UCSF in California.


In this episode, guest host Dr. Vishal Kumar interviews educator and author Dante King about America’s history of black subjugation and persistent biases in our healthcare settings today.

First, Mr. King gives examples of historical case law and statutes that disenfranchised African Americans and placed them in derogatory and undignified positions. Some examples include the Fugitive Slave Act (1850), as well as various state laws that sought to claim ownership over black people and make sexually assault of black women legally permissible. A key court decision, Geroge v. State (1872) had ruled that rape was only considered a crime when committed against white women. We follow this thread of dehumanization of black women through modern day medicine, in which the maternal mortality rate reflects significantly higher rates in African American women.

Dr. Kumar highlights recent studies that show the presence of implicit bias, as well as its intergenerational effects. He notes that privilege involves more than just perks and benefits; it encompasses the lack of barriers and obstacles in society. He also encourages listeners to realize that healthcare providers deny the benefit of the doubt to certain populations, which results in harmful under-intervention or over-intervention.


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