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BackTable / Urology / Podcast / Episode #169

Prostate Cancer: Navigating Focal Therapy Options

with Dr. Matthew Cooperberg and Dr. Arvin George

In this episode, Dr. Matthew Cooperberg (UC San Francisco) and Dr. Arvin George (Johns Hopkins) join host Dr. Aditya Bagrodia in a conversation about guidelines and treatment algorithms for focal therapy in prostate cancer treatment.

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Prostate Cancer: Navigating Focal Therapy Options with Dr. Matthew Cooperberg and Dr. Arvin George on the BackTable Urology Podcast)
Ep 169 Prostate Cancer: Navigating Focal Therapy Options with Dr. Matthew Cooperberg and Dr. Arvin George
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2024, May 28). Ep. 169 – Prostate Cancer: Navigating Focal Therapy Options [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Matthew Cooperberg discusses Prostate Cancer: Navigating Focal Therapy Options on the BackTable 169 Podcast

Dr. Matthew Cooperberg

Dr. Matthew Cooperberg is a professor at UCSF in San Francisco, California.

Dr. Arvin George discusses Prostate Cancer: Navigating Focal Therapy Options on the BackTable 169 Podcast

Dr. Arvin George

Dr. Arvin George is an associate professor of urology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia discusses Prostate Cancer: Navigating Focal Therapy Options on the BackTable 169 Podcast

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia is an associate professor of urology and genitourinary oncology team leader at UC San Diego Health in California and adjunct professor of urology at UT Southwestern.


First, the doctors discuss focal therapy in prostate cancer treatment from various perspectives, including the challenges of treating certain lesions, the comparison of different focal therapy modalities like high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) and brachytherapy, cryotherapy and the importance of patient-specific factors in treatment decisions. They emphasize the need for clinical trials and registries to validate focal therapy outcomes, the potential expansion of indications for focal therapy, and the critical role of advanced imaging and genomic classifiers in patient selection and treatment planning. The discussion also touches on the potential of focal therapy to evolve as a standard care option alongside advancements in understanding the biology of prostate cancer and improving imaging and treatment technologies.


00:00 - Introduction
05:24 - Focal Therapy Definitions, Techniques, and Patient Selection
11:45 - Ideal Patients for Focal Therapy
25:30 - The Role of Genomic Classifiers in Treatment Decisions
30:56 - Addressing High-Risk Patient Concerns
37:51 - Advancements and Considerations in Focal Therapy Modalities
56:13 - The Future of Focal Therapy


Transcript Preview

[Dr. Matt Cooperberg]:
There's this old saying that in surgical oncology, biology is king, and all the surgeons, and here you can throw in radiation oncologists and focal therapists and everybody else are the princess trying to overthrow the king, often to no avail. I think ultimately, it comes down to understanding the cancer more and more at the biological level. I think that the role for focal therapy is clearly going to grow as we can identify those tumors that are actually confined to the prostate, and we can visualize them with imaging, increasingly with functional imaging, as our focal modalities get more and more guided by real-time feedback from imaging.

Clearly, it makes sense. You look at the history, everyone always draws the analogy to breast cancer and lumpectomy, taking over from mastectomy. Obviously, there's a lot of different considerations in prostate compared to breast but nonetheless, the idea of treating the tumor rather than the prostate makes a lot of sense for a certain band of cancers. As we're able to identify that band, figure out the ones that need treatment and yet need less than total treatment and pelvic treatment, as we can identify those and target them, of course, the role here will continue to grow.

The only way we're going to identify those tumors is to take this seriously, to as we've said at the beginning, put patients that are undergoing focal therapy in a registry, on a trial, collect the data, be honest about our outcomes, and constantly be striving to improve those outcomes with research and improvements in our treatments.

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Prostate Cancer Focal Therapy: Who is the Ideal Patient?

Prostate Cancer Focal Therapy: Who is the Ideal Patient?

Evolving Guidelines on Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Evolving Guidelines on Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer


Prostate Cancer Condition Overview
Learn about Urologic Oncology on BackTable Urology

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