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BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #105

A Career of Innovation

with Dr. Michael Dake

Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) President Dr. Michael Dake tells us stories of the Aortic and Endovascular Innovations he participated in throughout various stages in his career.

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A Career of Innovation with Dr. Michael Dake on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Ep 105 A Career of Innovation with Dr. Michael Dake
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2021, January 11). Ep. 105 – A Career of Innovation [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Michael Dake discusses A Career of Innovation on the BackTable 105 Podcast

Dr. Michael Dake

Dr. Michael Dake is a leading researcher, clinician, teacher, and administrator at The University of Arizona.

Dr. Bryan Hartley discusses A Career of Innovation on the BackTable 105 Podcast

Dr. Bryan Hartley

Dr. Bryan Hartley is a practicing radiologist, host of the BackTable Innovation series, and co-founder of Pulmera in Palo Alto, CA.


In this episode, Dr. Michael Dake joins Dr. Bryan Hartley to discuss his career of innovation as a clinician, teacher, and researcher. Dr. Dake tells us how he shifted from working in internal medicine to interventional radiology with the help of his mentors.

We discuss the challenges of starting a new residency, and Dr. Dake shares how he knew he wanted to follow a different career path in vascular work. We review the different types of cases that came up from working with cardiac surgeons and other specialties outside of IR. We discuss some lessons learned from working on the clinical side and the industry side of IR.

Dr. Dake explains which failures have stuck with him and touches on why relationships and collaboration are so important. We discuss his current work on a liquid embolic and how involvement in innovative opportunities has shaped Dr. Dake’s career.


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