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Aortic Dissection

Aortic Dissection Condition Overview

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BackTable is a knowledge resource for physicians by physicians. Get practical advice on Aortic Dissection and how to build your practice by listening to the BackTable VI Podcast, reading exclusing BackTable Articles, and following the work of our Contributors.

Ep 413 TBAD Management: Best Practices in Aortic Dissection with Dr. Darren Klass
00:00 / 01:04

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Aortic Dissection Podcasts

Listen to leading physicians discuss aortic dissection on the BackTable VI Podcast. Get tips, tricks, and expert guidance from your peers and level up your practice.

Episode #413


This week on the BackTable Podcast, Dr. Darren Klass shares his experiences in the treatment of aortic dissections. Dr. Klass is an interventional radiologist at the University of British Columbia.

Episode #271


In this episode, host Dr. Sabeen Dhand interviews vascular surgeon Dr. Benjamin Starnes about artificial intelligence in aortic intervention, from aneurysm detection to procedural planning and coordination of aortic aneurysm surveillance.

Episode #163


Vascular Surgeon Daniel Han discusses management of persistent false lumen perfusion in chronic aortic dissection, including the Knickerbocker Technique.

Episode #142


Interventional Radiologist Sabeen Dhand talks with Vascular Surgeon Frank Arko about endovascular treatment of Type B Aortic Dissections (TBAD), including patient selection, appropriate sizing, and complications to avoid.

Aortic Dissection Articles

Read our exclusive BackTable VI Articles for quick insights on aortic dissection, provided by physicians for physicians.

Aortic Injury: AI Advancements & Future Outlook

Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs have been shown to have incredible utility in diagnosing and treating aortic injuries. The future of AI may help us learn more about aneurysms and refine how we treat them.

AI for Aortic Injury: Emergent vs Elective Care

Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs have life-saving potential in acute aortic injury. AI healthcare platforms such as can aid in accurately detecting aortic injuries.

Aortic dissection complications during treatment

The three main aortic dissection complications during treatments include stroke, spinal cord ischemia, and spinal cord paralysis. This is important to note as these complications can extend hospital stays and contributes to higher mortality amongst patients.

CT of aortic dissection types

Aortic dissection types can be classified depending on the location of the intimal tear, extent of involvement of the aorta, and duration of time from initial clinical presentation. Aortic dissection classifications can dictate medical management and surgical versus endovascular treatment.

Disclaimer: The Materials available on are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosing and treating patients. The opinions expressed by participants of the BackTable Podcast belong solely to the participants, and do not necessarily reflect the views of BackTable.



TBAD Management: Best Practices in Aortic Dissection with Dr. Darren Klass on the BackTable VI Podcast)
How Can AI Help with Acute Aortic Emergencies? with Dr. Ben Starnes on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Treating False Lumen Perfusion in Chronic Aortic Dissections with Dr. Daniel Han on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Type B Aortic Dissections with Dr. Frank Arko on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Multidisciplinary HCC Care: Improving the Patient Experience with Combined Clinics with Dr. Tyler Sandow, Dr. Jonathan Mizrahi, Dr. Steven Young and Deondra Bonds-Adams on the BackTable VI Podcast)


Aortic Injury: AI Advancements & Future Outlook

Aortic Injury: AI Advancements & Future Outlook

AI for Aortic Injury: Emergent vs Elective Care

AI for Aortic Injury: Emergent vs Elective Care

Aortic dissection complications during treatment

Aortic Dissection Complications During Treatment


Dr. Frank Arko on the BackTable VI Podcast

Dr. Frank Arko

Dr. Daniel Han on the BackTable VI Podcast

Dr. Daniel Han

Dr. Darren Klass on the BackTable VI Podcast

Dr. Darren Klass

Dr. Ben Starnes on the BackTable VI Podcast

Dr. Ben Starnes

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