BackTable / ENT / Contributor

Dr. Alain Sabri
Dr. Alain Sabri is a consultant otolaryngologist and head and neck surgeron with Mayo Clinic in Abu Dhabi.
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About Dr. Alain Sabri
Dr Alain Sabri is a medical professional and healthcare leader with 25 years of experience as an Otolaryngologist-Head and Neck Surgeon and Facial Reconstructive Surgeon. He has gained versatile healthcare management experience in a variety of geographical areas worldwide. He serves as the CEO of Avicenna Healthcare Consultancy Group. He currently is also the Chief Medical officer CMO of Health Quest Global for Europe, Africa & Middle East. He is a professor and chairman of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at GCH and consultant ENT surgeon at Reem Hospital.
His medical educational journey included surgical training, sub-specialization in head and neck oncologic and reconstructive surgery as well as neurotology-skull base surgery at Georgetown, Case Western/University Hospital of Cleveland and Vanderbilt University Medical Centers. He has also completed a master’s degree in health and hospital management from ESA (Ecole Superieure des Affaires-affiliated with ESCP France) business school as well as pursuing further Healthcare Leadership course at INSEAD.
Dr. Sabri had lectured extensively worldwide as well as organized and chaired many scientific meetings. He is active in research, both basic science and clinical, and has published widely on head and neck surgery. He even published a medical textbook on the challenges of global sleep disorders management. He has lectured and conducted research on physician burnout, healthcare professional wellness and leadership.
Dr. Alain Sabri has held several leadership positions including chairing five departments, serving as associate chief of staff, medical director of human resource and Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and recruitment at leading international medical schools and medical centers. He has established multiple programs, departments, as well as multidisciplinary teams/centers of excellence and was involved in two major international projects with the Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic in the GCC region along with his clinical and academic activities as an educator-researcher.
Dr. Sabri continues to impress as he was involved in multiple medical humanitarian missions in South America and the Middle East. He serves on educational institutional boards as well as a cancer charity fund (RAHMA) in the MENA region where he also oversaw the establishment of medical dispensaries that care for the less fortunate. He is fluent in many languages including Arabic, French and English.
Learn more by visiting Dr. Alain Sabri's practice:
Podcasts Featuring Dr. Alain Sabri
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