BackTable / ENT / Contributor

Dr. Colleen Plein
Dr. Colleen Plein is a practicing otolaryngologist in Milwaukee and Chicago.
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About Dr. Colleen Plein
Dr. Plein is an (ENT) Otolaryngologist. She received her medical degree from the University of Chicago, Division of the Biological Sciences, The Pritzker School of Medicine.
Colleen Plein, MD specializes in the management of nasal and sinus problems often related to snoring, breathing, and sleep apnea. She performs office-based procedures including nasal and sinus surgeries, minimally invasive balloon sinuplasty, septoplasty, inferior turbinate reduction, and nasal valve repair. Dr. Plein also works in the diagnosis and treatment of environmental allergies, including allergy drops/sublingual immunotherapy (needle-free) allergy treatment.
Podcasts Featuring Dr. Colleen Plein
Articles Featuring Dr. Colleen Plein
Chronic mouth breathing is a common issue that can cause many health problems, but it often goes unnoticed by both patients and healthcare providers. Chronic mouth breathing can lead to chronic headaches, poor sleep, teeth clenching and grinding, and even improper facial development if not corrected at a young age.
Learn how to evaluate and treat chronic mouth breathing. Dr. Colleen Plein explains the connections between chronic mouth breathing, sleep apnea, teeth grinding, and related symptoms, highlighting the importance of comprehensive evaluation and treatment to promote better respiratory health and overall well-being.
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