BackTable / VI / Contributor
Dr. Konstantinos Stavroulakis
Vascular Surgeon
Dr Konstantinos Stavroulakis is a Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon at St. Franziskus Hospital, Münster, Germany
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About Dr. Konstantinos Stavroulakis
Dr Konstantinos Stavroulakis, MD, is a Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon at St. Franziskus Hospital, Münster, Germany.
He trained at the University of Crete Medical School until 2009. He then moved to Germany in 2012, and became a Trainee of Surgery and Vascular Surgery at the Paracelsus Clinic Marl, Germany. He achieved his Postgraduate qualification in March 2016 from the Westphälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster, with a thesis focused on combination therapy with directional atherectomy and drug eluting balloon angioplasty for isolated lesions of the popliteal artery.
Dr. Stavroulakis is currently Scientific Director of the Institute for Vascular Research as well as Editor in Chief Vascupedia. He is actively involved in numerous research trials, and frequently presents at major vascular congresses.
Learn more by visiting Dr. Konstantinos Stavroulakis's practice:
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