BackTable / Urology / Contributor

Dr. Matthew Allaway
Dr. Matthew Allaway is a practicing urologist at Urology Associates in Cumberland and the founder and CEO of Perineologic.
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About Dr. Matthew Allaway
Dr. Matthew Allaway, DO, is a distinguished urologist. His approach to patient care is centered on respect and appreciation for the complexity of the human body. He strongly believes in providing a holistic and integrative approach to the treatment of urologic disorders so the body may heal itself. Many of his philosophies and attitudes regarding patient care resulted from his own personal battle with cancer, including his decision to become an urologist.
Dr. Allaway received his medical degree from Midwestern University-Chicago College of Osteopathic. His subsequent Allopathic training at West Virginia University in the department of surgery and urology allowed him to combine this medical school foundation with strong and independent specialty training in urologic surgery. Dr. Allaway has expertise in treating prostate cancer and kidney removal surgery, among other conditions.
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