BackTable / VI / Contributor

Dr. Jeremias Tan
Dr. Jeremias (Jerry) Tan is a practicing gastroenterologist in Fairfax, VA.
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About Dr. Jeremias Tan
Dr. Tan is board certified in Gastroenterology and graduated from George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences. Dr. Tan completed a residency at George Washington University Hospital|George Washington University|Veterans Administration Hospital. Since joining Gastro Health in 2006, Dr. Tan has served Northern Virginia as an Advanced Endoscopist. He is a leader and frequently the first to introduce new therapies that reduce residual health risks for patients.
Over the past several years, Dr. Tan began to notice an increase in patients suffering from obesity-related GI issues including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Dr. Tan developed a special interest in the causal relationship between GERD-related disorders and obesity. Dr. Tan also participates in Grand Rounds at Inova Fairfax Hospital. He has served as Chief Medical Resident and authored multiple articles during his fellowship and has presented at national meetings.
Podcasts Featuring Dr. Jeremias Tan
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