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BackTable / Urology / Podcast / Episode #160

The Evolution of Bladder Cancer Treatment: New Insights on Lymphadenectomy

with Dr. Seth Paul Lerner

This week on BackTable Urology, Dr. Seth Lerner (Baylor College of Medicine) discusses the intricacies of lymph node dissection in bladder cancer management, including an overview of patterns of metastasis, genomic classifiers, and recent clinical trials.

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The Evolution of Bladder Cancer Treatment: New Insights on Lymphadenectomy with Dr. Seth Paul Lerner on the BackTable Urology Podcast)
Ep 160 The Evolution of Bladder Cancer Treatment: New Insights on Lymphadenectomy with Dr. Seth Paul Lerner
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2024, April 9). Ep. 160 – The Evolution of Bladder Cancer Treatment: New Insights on Lymphadenectomy [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Seth Paul Lerner discusses The Evolution of Bladder Cancer Treatment: New Insights on Lymphadenectomy on the BackTable 160 Podcast

Dr. Seth Paul Lerner

Dr. Seth Paul Lerner is a professor of urology with Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia discusses The Evolution of Bladder Cancer Treatment: New Insights on Lymphadenectomy on the BackTable 160 Podcast

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia

Dr. Aditya Bagrodia is an associate professor of urology and genitourinary oncology team leader at UC San Diego Health in California and adjunct professor of urology at UT Southwestern.


The discussion highlights the evolution of bladder cancer treatment, from the use of cytotoxic chemotherapy to the current practice of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radical cystectomy. Dr. Lerner and Dr. Bagrodia further explore diagnostic and treatment strategies, including the role of Decipher Prostate Genomic Classifier in tailoring patient treatment plans. The podcast delves into the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to bladder cancer, the benefits of multimodal therapy, and the integration of circulating tumor DNA in management plans. Dr. Lerner then discusses clinical trials assessing the impact of extended lymph node dissection during cystectomies and emphasizes the importance of surgical quality and adherence to established protocols in bladder cancer treatment.


00:00 - Introduction
06:17 - The Role of Imaging in Bladder Cancer Staging
08:00 - Exploring the Potential of Genomic Classifiers
16:55 - Debating the Efficacy of Extended Lymph Node Dissection
27:47 - Update on Bladder Cancer Clinical Trials
48:54 - Final Thoughts and the Future of Bladder Cancer Treatment

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Bladder Cancer Condition Overview
Lymph Node Dissection Procedure Prep
Learn about Urologic Oncology on BackTable Urology

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