BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #493
Jillian's Fight to Restore Blood Flow: A Long COVID Journey
with Jillian Angeline
How can interventional radiologists help patients with long COVID? Today we hear directly from Jillian Angeline, a long COVID survivor that benefited tremendously from minimally invasive interventional care. Jillian sits down with host Dr. Eric Keller, and shares how interventional radiologist Dr. Brooke Spencer helped get her life back by turning the tide against her long-haul COVID symptoms which had been ongoing for multiple years.
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BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2024, November 1). Ep. 493 – Jillian's Fight to Restore Blood Flow: A Long COVID Journey [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
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Podcast Contributors
Jillian Angeline
Jillian Angeline is a long COVID survivor and a patient advocate.
Dr. Eric J. Keller
Dr. Eric Keller is an interventional and diagnostic radiology resident physician at Stanford.
Jillian shares her challenging journey from being an extremely active individual to barely being able to walk, due to persistent inflammation following COVID-19 infection. After seeing numerous physicians across various states and experiencing dismissal and misdiagnosis, Jillian was finally referred to Dr. Spencer at the MIPS Center in Colorado where she underwent a series of venous interventions that significantly helped her. This episode aims to raise awareness about possible life-changing IR options for patients suffering from long COVID, the importance of patient advocacy, and underscores multidisciplinary collaboration amongst medical professionals.
00:00 - Introduction
02:33 - Jillian’s Journey
05:11 - Finding Interventional Radiologist, Dr. Brooke Spencer
08:39 - Venous Interventions
16:03 - Road to Healing
32:21 - Advice for Long COVID Patients
Dr. Brooke Spencer, MD, FSIR Practice:
The Interventional Initiative:
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