BackTable / ENT / Podcast / Episode #197
Trailblazers in ENT: Stories from House Clinic
with Dr. John House
It’s not an overstatement to say that surgeons from The House Clinic revolutionized otology / neurotology in the second half of the twentieth century. In this episode of the BackTable ENT podcast, Dr. John House, son of the clinic’s founder, Howard, discusses the clinic’s fabled history with guest host Dr. Walter Kutz (UT Southwestern).
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BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2024, October 29). Ep. 197 – Trailblazers in ENT: Stories from House Clinic [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
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Podcast Contributors
Dr. John House
Dr. John House is an otolaryngologist in Los Angelese, California.
Dr. Joe Walter Kutz
Dr. Joe Walter Kutz is a neurotologist and Professor of Otolaryngology and Neurosurgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX.
Dr. House recounts his father’s journey traveling the world to learn from renowned otolaryngologists, ultimately settling in Los Angeles where he established his practice. Working with his brother William, Howard started a clinic that popularized innovative treatments for otosclerosis, acoustic neuroma, and sensorineural hearing loss. While innovations like Howard’s cochlear implant and John’s House’s House-Brackmann Facial Nerve Grading Scale faced resistance at first, they eventually won widespread acceptance. The episode concludes with Dr. Kutz’s moving personal reflection on his time as a fellow at the House Clinic.
00:00 - Introduction
05:41 - Dr. Howard House’s Path to Neurotology
17:14 - Dr. Bill House’s Passion Project: The Cochlear Implant
28:39 - Development of the House-Brackmann Facial Nerve Grading System
38:49 - The Evolution of Stapes Surgery
45:14 - House Alumnus Dr. Walter Kutz’s Journey
Dr. John House’s House Clinic Profile:
Dr. Walter Kutz’s UT Southwestern Profile:
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