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BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #492

Renal Tumor Ablations: Technique & Advancements

with Dr. AJ Gunn

Looking to enhance your interventional oncology practice with renal tumor ablation? In this episode, host Dr. Don Garbett is joined by Dr. AJ Gunn to discuss the current landscape of renal tumor ablation and Dr. Gunn’s procedural tips for successful outcomes. Dr. Gunn is an interventional radiologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, with extensive experience in building service lines, including renal tumor management.

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Renal Tumor Ablations: Technique & Advancements with Dr. AJ Gunn on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Ep 492 Renal Tumor Ablations: Technique & Advancements with Dr. AJ Gunn
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2024, October 29). Ep. 492 – Renal Tumor Ablations: Technique & Advancements [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. AJ Gunn discusses Renal Tumor Ablations: Technique & Advancements on the BackTable 492 Podcast

Dr. AJ Gunn

Dr. AJ Gunn is an interventional radiologist at UAB in Birmingham, Alabama

Dr. Donald Garbett discusses Renal Tumor Ablations: Technique & Advancements on the BackTable 492 Podcast

Dr. Donald Garbett

Dr. Donald Garbett is a practicing Vascular and Interventional Radiologist at Minimally Invasive Specialists in Eugene, Oregon.


The doctors review various scoring systems to predict the risks associated with renal ablation. Dr. Gunn emphasizes that tumor size is the most consistent predictor of procedural complications, local recurrence, and metastasis. He also discusses ablation techniques and proactive steps to avoid complications, such as hydrodissection and the selection of appropriate ablation technology. He employs cryoablation for central renal tumors and large tumors to minimize damage to the collecting system, while using microwave ablation for smaller peripheral lesions. Additionally, prior literature and his personal experience suggest that preoperative embolization may be beneficial for larger hypervascular tumors.

Finally, Dr. Gunn speaks about the ongoing Embolization Before Ablation of Renal Cell Carcinoma (EMBARC) study and the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences within the interventional oncology community.


00:00 - Introduction
04:24 - Practice Building Philosophy
09:29 - Importance of Clinical Follow Up
12:17 - Predictive Factors of Ablation Success
23:30 - Renal Ablation Technique
31:41 - Embolization Before Ablation
44:13 - The Future of Renal Tumor Treatments


Percutaneous Cryoablation of Stage T1b Renal Cell Carcinoma: Safety, Technical Results, and Clinical Outcomes (Gunn et al, 2019):

Should Renal Mass Biopsy Be Performed prior to or Concomitantly with Thermal Ablation? (Chung et al, 2018):


Society for Interventional Oncology (SIO) Conference:

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Learn about Nephrology on BackTable VI
Renal Cell Carcinoma Condition Overview

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