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BackTable / Urology / Podcast / Episode #211

Mentorship & Growth Through the Society of Women in Urology

with Dr. Simone Thavaseelan and Dr. Akanksha Mehta

We are excited to introduce a new collaboration with the Society of Women in Urology (SWIU)! In this episode of BackTable Urology, guest host Dr. Casey Seideman discusses the impact of SWIU with society leadership Dr. Akanksha Mehta and Dr. Simone Thavaseelan.

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Mentorship & Growth Through the Society of Women in Urology with Dr. Simone Thavaseelan and Dr. Akanksha Mehta on the BackTable Urology Podcast)
Ep 211 Mentorship & Growth Through the Society of Women in Urology with Dr. Simone Thavaseelan and Dr. Akanksha Mehta
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2025, January 28). Ep. 211 – Mentorship & Growth Through the Society of Women in Urology [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Simone Thavaseelan discusses Mentorship & Growth Through the Society of Women in Urology on the BackTable 211 Podcast

Dr. Simone Thavaseelan

Dr. Simone Thavaseelan is a urologist at Rhode Island Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island.

Dr. Akanksha Mehta discusses Mentorship & Growth Through the Society of Women in Urology on the BackTable 211 Podcast

Dr. Akanksha Mehta

Dr. Akanksha Mehta is the director of male reproductive health at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.

Dr. Casey Seideman discusses Mentorship & Growth Through the Society of Women in Urology on the BackTable 211 Podcast

Dr. Casey Seideman

Dr. Seideman is a pediatric urologist at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital at OHSU in Portland, Oregon.


The doctors talk about SWIU's rapid growth, its role in networking and career development for women, and its proven impact across career stages. They highlight the importance of the annual Clinical Mentoring Conference, which provides a unique opportunity for networking and professional development. The conversation also underscores SWIU's inclusivity and efforts for gender-diverse individuals. Looking ahead, Dr. Mehta and Dr. Thavaseelan predict continued growth, innovation, and deeper integration in organized urology.


00:00 - Introduction
02:42 - History of SWIU
03:29 - Personal Journeys with SWIU
07:08 - The Mentoring Conference
09:27 - Career Development
34:40 - Inclusivity and Male Allyship
39:14 - Conclusion


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